This game is totally going to get delisted again in however many years. Good thing physical copies exist now.

Maybe in 24 years they can make a new Shaq Fu game that passes the quality bar of decent.

Feels rather pointless writing a review for this one. Coincidentally pointless is also the word I would use to describe it.

Witness the collapse of a peaceful society by a being with limitless imagination for chaos.

I heard great things about this game before but I wasn't expecting this title to be as incredible as it is. The idea of theming an entire Kirby game around sci-fi and robots was genius. The level design is some of the best I have seen from a 2D platformer and the soundtrack is filled with all types of earworms.

I am extremely late to the party when saying this game is a must play for Kirby fans and I hope for a remaster (or even a sequel) so more people can experience this winning combination.

A free, creative and nostalgic love letter to PlayStation's history. This is more than just a tech demo this is a worthy 3D platformer. It took over 20 years but I think PlayStation finally has the perfect mascot.

I miss when Lego games didn't talk and were designed around comedic mumbles and humor through body language.

I also question the switch to open world bland city design when the hubs with just specified levels were perfect for these types of games.

Regardless just like all Lego Games, If you enjoy the source material you will find things to like here.

I hope the people I met while climbing the mountain are doing okay. Do you think they are eating enough?

Yo EA! Coach Frank says "Fucking make Skate 4 already."

This game is a lot of goofy fun with friends.

Playing it alone feels very.....sad....and lonely...…and sad.

I like this but the only original bone in this games body is The Nemesis system.

This game is just okay. I like elements of it and certainly feels like it was made just for Mad Max fans (which I can appreciate).

BUT..... How did this game not include The Nemesis System from Shadow of Mordor? It is published by the same studio so it would have been super easy to implement and would have fit perfectly with this games setting. SERIOUSLY CAN YOU IMAGINE!?!

Would have really elevated this game and made it something more memorable.

A wonderful mainstream introduction to the immersive sim genre.

This was an absolute blast with a friend by my side. We passed the controller back and forth, he was the detective and I was the violent revolutionary.

That being said I don't remember shit from this game and it felt very unremarkable. I don't think I would have been able to get through this game by myself.

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That fucking snail.