The free movie ticket my copy came with expired and the my local theater wouldn't honor it.

Web swinging as Spider-Man is as entertaining as usual and Venom has moments. But in the end I was severely underwhelmed by it's clunky gameplay, repetitive tasks and stylistic but loud cutscene design. Your mileage may vary based on your love for the Ultimate comics universe this title is based on but the story is also a weaker affair compared to other Spider-Man video games.

Ultimately by the end of it I was more than comfortable hanging up my web-shooters.

First Monster Hunter game I have played and have been blown away with how incredible my time has been with it. It has certainly given me a passing interest in other games in the series but I feel like nothing will hit me like this title did on a blind playthrough.

This was a nice surprise. I've had this game on my shelf for awhile but never actually booted it up. It was surprisingly deep from a gameplay perspective due to the variety of guns. The main enemy the Chimera were threatening and I found the difficulty fair but challenging on the normal setting. The narrative was super weak and the controls were pretty clunky but overall I enjoyed my time with it.

Those bastards got me to like a Musou game.

A group of friends shoot God in the face with the power of Friendship.

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Honestly the only thing keeping this game from being my favorite in the Arkham series is them just doing Jason Todd again when I was legitimately excited for the Arkham Knight to be an original character. I like just about everything else this game has.

Scarecrow was an upgrade, the Batmobile was fun to control, and it felt like a true ending for the Arkham Batman story. Is it Perfect? No, but that doesn't stop it from being excellent.

Suffers from unnecessary prequel syndrome.

While I prefer the atmosphere of the first game more, I recognize that this is the superior experience with all it improves.

There is valid reasons why this game is considered the bar when it comes to great superhero video games.

My rating is entirely bias. I have played this game so many times to the point where I feel like it was made for me. It came out when I was 5 years old, at this point my entire personality had become loving Spider-Man.

This on top of releasing around the time of the Tobey Maguire movies made this a must play title in my home. This game is fun Spider-Man fan service, HAS THE BEST VERSION OF VENOM EVER, tons of extras for the time that were narrated my Stan Lee.

Admittedly I have never played the sequel and am kind of scared to due to how highly I rate this title. It is the top of my pile of shame.

I know this game isn't perfect for a lot of people but this game makes my brain happy and that is why I give it 5 stars.

Lot's to love about this title, but the added characters don't play as well as you'd wish.

Falls under that category of a perfect sequel.

A wonderful start to a quality 3D platform trilogy.

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Wow this was such a bummer to play.

To be fair and name positives, obviously the game is absolutely gorgeous. The cast, especially Josh Duhamel and Sam Witwer gave it their all with what they were given. Aspects of the story, (while incredibly predictable) were entertaining. The setting of Callisto is a smart one for a horror sci-fi story.

Alright now if you will indulge me I want to rant about the bad stuff. Try and Break down some stand outs things that bothered me.

Combat is the prime example because it is absolutely garbage. It prioritizes melee combat over all else with some gun-play mixed in. In 1v1 encounters they are boring repetitive and too easy even on the harder difficulty. Throw more enemies into the mix you will be fighting the camera and attempting to predict when to dodge because you can't see the enemies when they attack you half the time.

The dodging mechanic itself is just weird. All the controls feel off but dodging in particular is so odd the game provided two tutorials in order to explain it.

I have read online that some find this combat system deep. I don't see how. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, 3 hit combo, repeat. That is it. You don't need to do anything else.

Guns feel generic and lack impact when fired. None of the guns feel unique when considering the sci-fi setting. 2 shotguns, 2 handguns and 1 assault rifle. This wouldn't be a problem if the last 2 chapters of the game didn't start prioritizing guns against beefier enemies and the final boss.

There is a really bad stealth sequence involving what I would describe as "discount clickers" that got on my nerves just because of how slow you move while crouched. Was able to stand in the middle of the room and just knife kill every enemy that walked up to me.

Enemy variety isn't lacking, but unique enemies showing up in combat is. There are a fair amount of enemy types but they don't seem to ever want to show up during most combat encounters.

There are some unique set piece moments but most of the game has you walking through hallway like level design. It doesn't feel worth it to explore because the game doesn't give you room to do so.

Finally the parts of the narrative that bother me. Pacing is super off. They spent all this time and money on these facial animations and they barely utilize them for story purposes. The actual plot doesn't start moving until well after you have left the prison. Most of the actual interesting story bits are stuck being collectible audio logs. The game also ends with a tease/cliffhanger for a sequel which felt very half assed. Almost like it was a last minute inclusion.

Thank you if you read through this. It felt therapeutic to write this down. I have seen some people say this game is only getting a bad rep because it doesn't live up to Dead Space and I disagree. I think it DESERVES a bad rep for not being a good video game. If this is your jam honestly I am very happy for you but for me by the end I was both mad and disappointed.

TLDR: Bad combat and boring level design doesn't scare me, it makes me angry.