There's a lot to say about this game but I'm bad with words, so I'll just say that it's by far the best RE Remake (and RE game) so far, and one of the best remakes of all time IMO

not much incentive to go back though, maybe when they release separate ways

played with one of my best friends (ly mana <3) and it was incredibly fun.

totk solos though now that i kinda played that

been a long ass time since i played this game but i remember it being good

i don't like this game. i'm sorry.

the game of all time

i wanna play more of it but aaaaaaaaa undiagnosed adhd


i tried playing it but idk

the combat is super fun but the story is so zzzzzzzz
maybe i'll give it another shot another day

didn't understand the hate for this game at release and still don't, it's an amazing game plagued by a bad launch imo.

i'm so glad i wasn't spoiled much on this game bc goddamn what an experience

an amazing finale to one of my favorite game series (and one of the first i've ever played)

also i know i took almost 4 months to finish it, shut up

i don't like pokemon games... idk why i really can't get into them

one day i will finish this game.
i'm sure of it.