pretty overrated ngl

the atmosphere was cool sometimes tho

this was easily one of the best survivor horror games i've ever played, and an absolute treat for anyone that's into Remedy's games

easy 10/10 in a year full of 10/10 games

not amazing but way better than people give it credit for imo

i changed my mind this game is absolute garbage

soundtrack is unironically amazing tho so it gets a singular point for that


it's nothing revolutionary by nintendo standards but it was pretty fun honestly

wish i could play the online but alas... broke....

i wasn't really feeling the story at first but it quickly grew on me

the character are all (mostly) likeable, and the writing is really funny, i had a great time playing it

definitely as good as people say it is, and i'm glad i finally experienced it now

as many of you know (or should) i'm not the biggest fan of online games but damn did i love this one

taking down big giant monsters is always fun, especially with friends

don't know if i'll play for much longer after the dlc but i loved my time with it

i've always heard people say that the first one was better so i was pleasantly surprised at how much i liked this one more

the focus is the amazing immersive-sim gameplay sure, but the story and characters are really interesting, and the aesthetic is amazing

also i couldn't get the shadow achievement (finish the game without being spotted) bc i was spotted ONCE at the FIRST mission, i'm so sad dude 💔

tbh i was ready to shit on this game bc of how frustrating some of the battles were, but after playing more of it while preparing for the final boss fight it really grew on me


also also even if the story in this game was kinda whatever, i really really liked the villain

Maggie Robertson (also voice of lady dimitrescu aka best resident evil boss) did a great job as Lilith imo

out of all jrpgs i've played (which tbf aren't many) this was easily the least fun to actually play

fighting any enemy is an absolute chore as they all have insane amounts of health compared to the little damage you deal to them

story and cast were good tho

it's been a long while since i played something that hit me this hard, even while being spoiled

the story and characters were amazing, and everything from the UI to the art style and graphics make it easily the most gorgeous anime-style game i've ever played

it's basically just anime sekiro, which is okay bc it's just as fun as the original even if it's not as fast or fluid

just wish it was more than a simple boss rush tho, it definitely has the potential