Pretty much the same as the first but more polished. a fresh experience and great sequel, and has replayability.

For a free game 2 hour game with no combat, the experience is phenomenal. Would not recommend for anyone with a history of depression or suicidal tendencies as it is VERY intense. But the core silent hill experience and narrative beats are all there.

very interesting setup. it's an RTS where you fly around and command troops, but you can get in on the action with them. The game also slowly introduces the mechanics, but to a point where the main gameplay loop doesnt start until an hour or two in, which can mislead players. Combined with the licensed metal soundtrack, it's honestly a great time, even tho it has 7th gen jank and most people would call it mid. Would recommend if you have nothing better to play. Also the licensed soundtrack carries this game HARD, so if youre not into it, youll prolly hate this game.

Pretty alright but levels were far too linear for this style of game. Hoping the sequels expand on this game tremendously. The guns also have this massive spread instead of a simple hitscan, which made shooting precise shots near impossible, without the sniping mode on the second gun. Not cool.

Improvement over the first game, better story too. Aiming is improved too though not perfected. Stealth and movement more refined. Pretty much a better version of the first game, they're both very similar.

very alright. graphics and story are cute, platforming is okay. combat is slow and laggy, but hits feel nice. still a fine first souls game while still giving the same challenge. im sure more people will enjoy this game more than I did, so go give it a shot.

Unique control scheme at the cost of terrible camera and platforming

fantastic puzzle game, one of a kind. big recommend


Must play, a classic puzzle platformer. Although not very hard.

One of the best racing games, the best NFS, one of my favorites. The gameplay is actually addicting with a brilliant difficulty curve. If you play with the fan-made Redux overhaul and mods, the experience is even better. Must-play for all racing fans.

This game is peak. This game is peak.

best in the trilogy for sure. makes some good changes from the previous two, but the enemy AI is still the same and still feels as trial and error as ever. I don't really agree that it's the pinnacle of stealth but it's a perfectly fine game as is.

Playthrough got cut short due to a bug where Yang was still in a party after he supposedly died - meaning when I encounter the next new party member, the game freezes. Gameplay is pretty basic but with little customization, the story decides who's in your party rather than you. FF6 is better, but the story is worth reading up on. The dialogue in-game is pretty basic.