It would be a fine 2d sonic game but the screen is so small that it takes all the joy out of the game. also the special stages are terrible.

Maybe the worst game I've ever played. The story feels like getting edged.

Removing the middle option was a pretty bad choice. Also, the story is way too fanservicey. The ending sucked as well but I don't necessarily care as much about the ending than I do the overall story.

The only MOBA I put enough time into to feel I gave the genre a try. The genre was not for me. Plus the monetization strategy of the game takes a lot of the fun out for me.

I enjoy the way sonic controls in Adventure-style games. I almost enjoy it enough to give the game a positive review. The loading screens are just so terrible that I could not possibly give it a higher score.

This game lost 1.5 stars for having terrible trailing missions. Especially the on boat trailing missions. Sea shanties are good though.

I think every other Zelda game is interesting. I do not know how they made an interesting Zelda game but this one is boring.

I enjoy controlling shadow. I enjoy the music. The branching paths ruined the game for me though.

A little bit of a funny concept before the whole simulator thing was overdone. I got it for free but I still feel like I wasted the time I spent on it. Quite dull.

The building mechanic honestly removed any fun I had with the game.

It's like an okay TV show with a lot of technical problems. Also, they couldn't think of a better way to surprise Lee? Ridiculous.

Riding bikes is not fun in multiplayer and the beginning of the story mode is so slow

My second favorite AC game. The only game in the series where I felt like I was an assassin. Plus it's the only one with a decent narrative.