This game provides an example of how creativity triumphs system limitations, any time of the week. I experienced the whole game, from the dungeons and the well-condensed overworld, to the charming characters and lore, and I couldn't help but think to myself "this was all on the Game boy?".

If there is a game that feels both small and big in all the right ways, it's this one. Loved it! Recommended.

One of the best games ever made from a creative standpoint. It gets compared to Minecraft a lot, in which case I think both of them are equally masterful. But don't make any mistake - despite the popular view that it's similar to Minecraft, it's only true to some extent. Otherwise it does many things very unique and have plentyful of unique items, biomes, caves and a lot more.

An entertaining aspect of this game is the community, and thus the many mods of this game that expands on it. It's a game of infinite value, and the fantastical imagination to it is endless... Must play!

One of the most important RPGs ever made, especially on the JRPG side. This is an ambitious start of this influential series, and remains one of the most iconic 8-bit games ever. They nailed the fantasy aspect of it, amidst system limitations!

Not the biggest roguelike fan, and yet this game got me addicted a lot! It probably has the best combat out of any platformer, and I enjoy how open it can get.


Such a great achievement for both the indie scene, and roguelite genre! I'm not the biggest roguelike fan, but even I couldn't help but enjoy the gameplay direction and world it presents.

The first entry that started one of the greatest line of games ever made. And where does it stand per se? As one of the best 8-bit games, that in spite of playing it until today, I was left impressed by how much imagination, secrets and variety they crammed in here. I'm glad to experience it!

Coming late to the NES life span, it's pretty advanced with the visuals and mini-games. The levels themselves are pretty good, casual fun. And that secret final boss is so satisfying and cool! Overall, one of the better NES platformers.

This game is incredibly underrated. While not perfect, it has things in a Mario game that not only wouldn't you expect, but rival the most mature games out there. For example, the story is filled with emotion and heart, and the world is a fascinating tale of its own. It's an adventure you would beg for more. However it's not only in the story/characters department it performs well, but the gameplay is very clever. It uses a creative form of abstract art to hide secrets, lead clues, and form the fun puzzle-solving. I had a lot of fun figuring many of the game's puzzle.

While the side-quests and some sections, as well as combat, could've used some help, this game deserves much more love than it already has. This game is one of those reasons why we desperately need more Mario RPGs - because they enhance the world of Mario and RPGs.

It does kirby cutesy right, and is fun to experience the different animal companions. Some of the rainbow drops (required to get the true ending) can be ridiculous to find though. But it's overall a fun time!

How more charming could games get? On the surface, this game already gives a very cute and iconic art style, that is a joy to look at. However on the ocean depth (heh), it truly provides us one of the best sailing experiences in all of gaming. The characters, story and world-building is so outstandingly memorabe, and a journey of depth.

It connects the sea to many interesting locations, scattered throughout the map, making it entertaining to get the best out of the world. The dungeons are just great, and the music makes you totally absorbed. The side-quests are plenty, and the secrets are a joy to stumble upon.

Overall I personally loved it, and I recommend it for anyone who feels like sailing the high seas - but get an equal amount of well designed land! What a joy to go through!

It's a good game, with a lovely emphasis on Luigi! The battles are great. However it can get bloated on some parts, but it still gives a mostly satisfying overworld design and great humor. And BEEG LUIGI WRESTLING BEEG BOWSER!!!

They took the concept of Donkey kong arcade, and made a perfect, little neat idea out of it! This is a very entertaining puzzle game that can sometimes make you genuinely think. Recommended.

Well, across many people, I'm known as the "Mario" guy. And that's why I want to experience most of the franchise, which has been going very well. However, it was until this title that I encountered a Mario game that I didn't like, at all.

I get it. It's the second entry, and they were trying to get things right. But dang, if you're gonna copy the first game with barely any worthwhile additions, then do it! Instead of giving us cheap dead ends, questionable platforming, poison mushrooms in the worst places, and a lot that frustrated me... Well, I guess it still does have a coherent design at the very least. I mean, it is playable. The first levels were fine. But otherwise? Not much. Play it only if you're a hardcore Mario fan.

Xenogears is... A valued memory of mine. But also an important lesson: sometimes, ambitions can be lethally high.

It's a great game, one I value the experience of. But it is not a masterclass of all apsects, only some. The aspects that are great are the insanely epic and entertainingly non-sensical story, plot, characters and world. It has been a constant fascination throughout my playthrough. But that's also why I remember this game as a story instead of a game, because the gameplay on the other hand is... Janky. And it can get a bit frustrating sometimes.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I will definitely be obsessed with the story, world and themes that this game presents. I constantly go through recap videos that discuss this game, because it's so entertaining! That's why I wish for a remake with the original team behind, because perhaps that lethally high ambition might be... Fulfilled someday.

I never thought I'd be able to stomach a game with tank controls. But experiencing Leon's "little" trip of investigation pretty much gave me an immersive environment of guns and action, one that overshadowed my aversion towards tank controls. It's definitely an important game in the history of the medium, and I'm looking forward to the remake some day!