This game provides an example of how creativity triumphs system limitations, any time of the week. I experienced the whole game, from the dungeons and the well-condensed overworld, to the charming characters and lore, and I couldn't help but think to myself "this was all on the Game boy?".

If there is a game that feels both small and big in all the right ways, it's this one. Loved it! Recommended.

If there is a definition of "criminally underrated", it would be this game. It's a shame it's not well known, because the many unique aspects of this game should be studied by game developers and inspire many. The ambitions of this game is presented through a fascinating and thought-provoking idea of evolution, the earth, its organism and ultimately existence itself. It's constantly engaging with well-made locations and dungeons, and an over-arching, epic story that gets exponentially more interesting. Do yourself a service and play it.

One of the best games ever made from a creative standpoint. It gets compared to Minecraft a lot, in which case I think both of them are equally masterful. But don't make any mistake - despite the popular view that it's similar to Minecraft, it's only true to some extent. Otherwise it does many things very unique and have plentyful of unique items, biomes, caves and a lot more.

An entertaining aspect of this game is the community, and thus the many mods of this game that expands on it. It's a game of infinite value, and the fantastical imagination to it is endless... Must play!

This game is very unique, with the setting giving off atmospheric vibes that are hard to describe. There is a constant sense of dread but a curiosity of exploration as well. Sadly I don't think it has the best execution of all time, as the time mechanic, which is the games time limit you'll have to reset over and over again, could've been better. But putting that aside, you'll still experience a Zelda game that gives you a fascinating world of magical events and secrets - with lots of great side quests too!

This is a very spectacular 2D platformer, and that is true even in modern standards. Players will be delighted how this game nails how a 2d platformer should be designed, to be as packed and fun as it can be.

The level design is creative and varied, the graphics are eye-candy, the sound is memorable and the mechanics are unique and fun to use. Everything feels right here. Its design philosophy should inspire game developers even to this day!

The first entry that started one of the greatest line of games ever made. And where does it stand per se? As one of the best 8-bit games, that in spite of playing it until today, I was left impressed by how much imagination, secrets and variety they crammed in here. I'm glad to experience it!

Xenogears is... A valued memory of mine. But also an important lesson: sometimes, ambitions can be lethally high.

It's a great game, one I value the experience of. But it is not a masterclass of all apsects, only some. The aspects that are great are the insanely epic and entertainingly non-sensical story, plot, characters and world. It has been a constant fascination throughout my playthrough. But that's also why I remember this game as a story instead of a game, because the gameplay on the other hand is... Janky. And it can get a bit frustrating sometimes.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I will definitely be obsessed with the story, world and themes that this game presents. I constantly go through recap videos that discuss this game, because it's so entertaining! That's why I wish for a remake with the original team behind, because perhaps that lethally high ambition might be... Fulfilled someday.

It's a good game, with a lovely emphasis on Luigi! The battles are great. However it can get bloated on some parts, but it still gives a mostly satisfying overworld design and great humor. And BEEG LUIGI WRESTLING BEEG BOWSER!!!

Super Metroid is a masterpiece of design philosophy and execution, making it a must-play. Very few games match the level of atmosphere that this game establishes, let alone the well-made interconnected design that keeps on giving. It definitely should be experienced by all.

This game is incredibly underrated. While not perfect, it has things in a Mario game that not only wouldn't you expect, but rival the most mature games out there. For example, the story is filled with emotion and heart, and the world is a fascinating tale of its own. It's an adventure you would beg for more. However it's not only in the story/characters department it performs well, but the gameplay is very clever. It uses a creative form of abstract art to hide secrets, lead clues, and form the fun puzzle-solving. I had a lot of fun figuring many of the game's puzzle.

While the side-quests and some sections, as well as combat, could've used some help, this game deserves much more love than it already has. This game is one of those reasons why we desperately need more Mario RPGs - because they enhance the world of Mario and RPGs.

Pretty short game, but provides a unique mechanic overall. Digging your way through was interesting.

This franchise has been known for epic stories that span large worlds and incredibly high stakes - Well, everyone should check out the entry that set such standards! The 4th game is without a doubt a great transition in video game story-telling, and is still entertaining to this day.

Just a fun, very bite-sized game. Not much to say, other than the fact it serves its purpose as a nice Mario platformer.

There is just a satisfaction in this game that is hard to replicate. Perhaps the great design combined with amazing music, or the great enemies and bosses. How about the cut-scenes? Whatever it is, it's platforming fun to its core.

The first half of the entire Sonic 3 saga, which I also think is the best in the original Genesis trilogy. There is somehow a story-line unfolding, and the stages are creative and fun.