2023 Personal Milestones

New discoveries, lessons learned. Things that matter the most for me over this year.

New Discoveries!

I bought these titles a long time ago, way before making an account here. But both titles looked somewhat scary so I never gave them try. Scary in the sense of unknowing what's ahead of you, going straight into the darkness, not knowing anything of what I'm getting into. Alone.

If it wasn't for this page probably they would still be sitting in my backlog.


Another discovery of mines. I'm surprised how little this game is covered, like in general?

A bit disspointed on how the story progression is mannaged.

It's an interesting title nonetheless.
I've been a big fan of Mega Man since I was a kid. Played every single title back and forth, from Classic to X even Legends at some point.

But never gave the Zero Saga a proper try since I never owned a portable Nintendo console before so it was out of reach to me, until this year.

Have to say, the quality as much as the X series varies from title to title but there's a sense of evolution within each game. It's the long awaited answer to know what hapenned after the X series I waited for all these years later.
Finally decided to try the Silent Hill franchise, at least two of their most popular titles.

For me it encapsulates the very escense of the 2000's. My personal favorite out of the two.
Finally decided to try the Silent Hill franchise, at least two of their most popular titles.

James adventure was something I didn't expect from a 2001 title. This with Metal Gear Solid 2 might have been one of the most groundbreaking titles of their era, and have inspired countless games ever since.

Didn't spoke much to me personally, but I can appreciate it's big cultural influence.


Same as The Silver Case & 25th Ward: The Silver Case. Never gave Portal a proper try before before because....reasons! I don't know really.

I'm glad that I did now, full of charm and personality. Made me appreciate puzzle games.
Metroidvania...are they any good? Yeah, pretty good.

Even though I had played "Momodora: Under The Moonlight" which is considered a light Metroidvania game. Since then, there weren't many games in that genre that I've been personally interested with. A sale in the Xbox Store made me change my mind completely.

Now, I no longer look down on the genre.

First VN I've ever read. Again, bought this title a long time ago but never decided to gave it a proper try but this year. Don't call me a weirdo.

Never knew what to expect from this game let alone what were the standarts of the genre were, a pleseant scary surprise for sure.

I remember being really mad at this game on the very first sex scene, which mind you was uncensored by default (Wasn't the Steam release, it was the GOG one). For 7 hours straight I refused to open the game, all night standing there angry and making early conclusions.

But this game teached me to not judge a game by it's cover (or the very first minutes). There's a saying: "From love to hate there is only one step"
Another game that a threat badly, so much so that the Solstice ending did almost a 180° to me.

The requierements for it are a bit ridiculous, but I wanted to see what was in there after completing it for the first time. At first, I thought people were overselling this title, for what purpose? Mind you, this was after completing it for the first time, gave it 2 and a half stars.

For this game in particular, Solstice changed everything, even though it's a pain to trigger it.
Longest one of the bunch. A bit of a dissapointment for me honestly, probably this isn't just a title for me. You can't win 'em all, I guess.

But I can sense the big amount of effort it went through here. And the story is just great and interesting the same.

If the gameplay wasn't so scripted and gave more freedom to play the way I wanted on the main missions I probably would've enjoyed it much more.

Decided to try one of the many, many spin-offs the SMT series have. Tired of teenagers saving the world in Persona and mainline SMT decided to try something more..."serious" perphaps.

It was rough, not going to lie. First, deciding for either the 3DS version or the DS version. It's whatever really, the 3DS version though it's easier in terms of difficulty and a bit easier on the eyes.

It's a great game, if you have patience.

Classic Trilogy. More movies than games, I'd say. Just putting these here because I completed them all.
All achievemets this year. All of them! 0.3% of all Steam users that bought this game
have complete most of it's achievements.

I feel lucky to be in that 0.3%. Hard earned and honest work right here. Wasted so much time on this one, man.


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