Very very very good game with very very very good character writing and a very very very good dog

this is one of those games that makes you close your eyes and try to visualize exactly how much crack cocaine was inhaled for the plot to go anywhere, much less be one of the best-written games i've ever played. without giving too much away, most stories travel forwards. sometimes, with time travel plots, the story travels backwards. but I assure you, until you play these games, you will never experience a story that moves side-to-side.
also something something fuck the dice puzzle

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This game's damn fun. Played the original, loved it, and wanted to give this one a go. While a lot of the characters feel a little underbaked (not much "screwing around" time spent with them outside of the Fiesty Five), there are a lot of genuinely compelling moments. Both the endings I got, pacifist and neutral, were really good. Art and music are both gorgeous and the animation even exceeds the original in some ways. Good work, UTY team!
Proud to say I beat it without the update btw. Everybody complaining about the difficulty should probably get good.

guess who's back
back again
gd's back
tell a friend

This is one of, if not my least favorite game of all time. I can give it a slightly higher rating because it's still Skylanders and the characters themselves are very fun in a sandbox, but oh my god this is a disservice to the franchise. Every NPC is unbearable. Any level outside of the adventure packs is a slog. The postgame levels are plainly not fun. Unless you have a lot of senseis to properly enjoy the game with, it's just a slap in the face to the greatness this series has to offer.

Anybody who's spent any time around me in the past month, digitally or physically, knows that I have not shut up about this game for a while.
The thing is, I actually beat it about a week ago now, but I haven't been able to put into words how special this game was to me. I don't have any special anecdote about why I'm writing it now, I just felt like it. Here goes!

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. I knew all the planets and their orders and their gimmicks and all that stuff. When you're five or six, you don't worry about the practicalities of getting into space, how labor-intensive every day would be, or how terrifying being so far from home feels. All you think about is the feeling of exploring somewhere alien.

When starting outer wilds, that feeling wasn't recaptured in me immediately for sure, but it snuck up on me before I knew it. I don't know how the bona fide cocaine fiends we call "developers" managed to put so much attention to detail into these stupid little planets, but they did. Oh boy, they did.

You see, this game has a way of making an otherwise lifeless desert planet feel so alive. Sometimes that's alive in a welcoming way, and sometimes that's alive in a way that will try to kill you. If you've played the game, you know damn well what I'm talking about.

Other reviews of this game will talk about how knowledge is your only power-up, the cosmic horror is palpable, the physics engine is excellent, blah blah blah. Of course, all that is true! It's mindblowing! But I'll be damned if those planets aren't what makes the game so wonderful. The feeling of recapturing that adventurous youth and going where no man has gone before. That's what makes Outer Wilds really special to me.

If this has at all intrigued you so far, please remember that I have not even mentioned the main content of the game, the reason you go to outer space in the first place, and/or the story in any capacity. Nor will I. That's for me to know and you to find out.

As a video game (technically), it's not gonna be for everyone, but if you're a fellow with any amount of patience and a decent understanding of how to work a controller then I highly recommend this game to you. And of course, I recommend it to anybody who's at all interested in space. God, I love this game.

In case my shilling hasn't made it clear, this one's a 10/10 from me. Go play it!

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The final Ace Attorney game I had to play. Was not expecting what I got at all, especially considering this is my first Layton game -- but hot damn I wasn't expecting any emotional turmoil at all in this game.
It kinda drops the ball in some aspects, what with Luke and Phoenix's reactions to their partner's "deaths" being.. oddly nonchalant especially if you consider Phoenix's reaction to Maya's crisis in JFA. He should NOT have just been able to dust himself off after witnessing her being cast into a pit of flames firsthand and personally not being able to stop it, literally the same exact thing as what almost happened to her in Justice for All's 2-4.
Witnesses were kinda fun though, Wordsmith and Emeer especially I found to be really funny and good additions to the cast. The random whimsical characters around town were nice additions too, and I'm sure on a revisit this game would hold up a lot nicer.
Before the big reveal of magic being fake though this game was kind of a slog and I had trouble tracking what was really happening, especially with the whole invisible cloaks still being real yet magic as a whole not being real. Also, their abductions and stuff weren't really entirely explained, and what really happened on the cargo ship wasn't really clear to me either. Oh well.

TLDR you gotta suspend your disbelief for this one, probably more than you should for a game that so heavily focuses on logic.

It's not.... bad? But I would argue that the writing is the worst in the series. If you like Danganronpa I would say you should give this game a shot. The quality is higher than any other game in the series and there's a lot more content too, and the characters are really fun and have pretty good interactions. The game is definitely never boring either.

Emulated using a GBA inject for the 3DS.
This kid is fucked up bruh

h-he said the thing!! (this statement can be applied to half the lines in this game)

Kino. Eagerly awaiting the sequel. Running around in big open fields has never been so entertaining.

I'm biased as fuck but this game goes hard
Play it if you haven't yet!

Mid in a game form, which really stings because it had a lot of potential. I should probably beat it again because I was so completely drained of the story by the time I got to case 4 and I did not care about the characters or plot in the slightest even though it gives so much insight to our little Edgey boy.
Jury's out on this one. Mobile port is fine, though after playing AAI2 I think playing it on the DS is more fun.
TLDR, read a summary and go play AAI2 (the best game in the series imo). The story of this game doesn't impact the second one anyway.

This game is great. Don't play it without playing 1 as the entire point of the game will be lost on you. Amazingly well-written and very complicated in the best way. Cases and stuff are good too but the writing here is top-notch.