enjoyed how the routes/locations were mixed up a bit to keep things fresh and exciting but i didnt like loss of the campy tone of the original game. conflicted on the gloomy aesthetics, they suit the setting and horror genre but i have to admit one of the biggest things i liked about the original resident evil was the bright colors and silly cutscenes to go with them. not a bad game overall, though. i consider both equals and i am only putting this down half a star to denote personal preference

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this game makes me so mad because it is so close to being good but its being held back by some of the dumbest game design decisions ever. why are the controls like that when this came out the same year as resident evil 1 remake? why did they introduce the item dropping mechanic and get rid of the item boxes and not do anything interesting with it? why did they give us two characters to play as but didnt give us co-op multiplayer? why did they put wesker AND birkin in the game at the same time yet make the main villain the fucking opera singing leech dude??? why does the game start out so strong in the train level yet all the levels after that are a pain to get through because the mechanics they introduced work best in a smaller enclosed space and the train level is the only level that is small enough for this to be suitable? why does the game require you to bring the hookshot item so far without telling you it is important so you end up backtracking 10 miles to go get it because you left it on the ground because there are no item boxes? why does it make you go to NEST but doesnt let you in, you're only there to use a key and then see a cutscene with enrico and then you immediately leave despite NEST being one of the most interesting places in the resident evil universe up to that point in the overarching story? i could complain about so many more things honestly. i will say that this is one of the most beautiful looking re games though, even 20+ years later. i just wish it wasnt being held back so much because this couldve easily been a fantastic game but its just so frustrating to play

not gonna lie, i think this is a downgrade after resident evil 2 because of how much smaller scale it is by comparison. its nice to have a dodge mechanic but i wish it were its own dedicated button rather than being automatic when being attacked because it interferes with combat sometimes. not a bad game, though

easily one of the most infuriating games ive ever played but its not nearly as bad as playing resident evil 0

now that i've finished it, i can say that i had fun but there are a lot of cheap deaths, especially because of the QTEs. i also struggled a bit with identifying what was the background vs what was interactable in choice places but i blame that on the HD job and assume the difference was more obvious on the original hardware. if i could change anything but only 1 thing, i think i would add ammo and more healing items to the merchant's stock.

I love this game. It's funny that I took about a year to get around to playing it. It's very hard to say whether this game is better than the original since I love them both but I can say that this version has better cutscenes (in my opinion) and I don't just mean because of the graphics and virtual cinematography. I'd say that the characters are portrayed better, with some extra flavors not present in the original.
The gameplay is less frustrating in terms of being able to move the camera independent of Leon's forward position (and not have it snap back into place which has messed me up A LOT in the original) and a significant reduction in QTEs. The QTEs were so abundant in the original, I instinctively was pressing the buttons during cutscenes then beating myself up when I remembered I didn't have to do that anymore.
They also improved some of the journey like getting rid of unimportant segments (U-3 boss fight, anyone?), fixing the plot hole about Leon being captured but the enemies didn't take his weapons away, and adding handy shortcuts throughout the game.
Overall, I really enjoyed the game. This is one of the few games I've felt the desire to 100% in years. Purely based on how fun it is to play and the many unlockables you can earn. I'm going to enjoy getting to watch the cutscenes all over again. Oh, and checking out Separate Ways finally.

I won't say spoilers but everything that I complained about not having in the main story is here to my pleasant surprise plus much more. HUGE improvement over the original Separate Ways. It's not just a retelling of Ada's perspective on the events of the game.

Possibly the least fun game I have ever finished. Play this if you like video games with mediocre lore that get you stuck for hours because it forces you to find tiny objects and clues in the dark to progress (even with a feature that helps you see "better") and have broken features that make you wonder if its even supposed to be like that (it's not).

Play SOMA instead. And I say that as someone who didn't enjoy SOMA.

Surprisingly a lot of fun for the short experience you get. Built on Layers of Fear (2016) by improving the gameplay experience. The cruise ship setting was cool and made for varied environments, and as a fan of movies I liked the references to films via the player character being an actor. I enjoyed trying to predict the story or outcome as the game progressed and finding the collectibles while going through the levels. The only thing I didn't like was how inconsistent the chase sequences were, sometimes it was obvious that a monster was about to chase you and other times it was sudden. I would've preferred some consistency in telegraphing the chase.