They weren't lying, Majima really is everywhere. For real, though, it's pretty fun watching the main story act like there won't be a bajillion more games in the series.

I don't like rhythm games or character action games, but I do like this game. It's just got a vibe I like. I suck at it, though.

I respect that the developers put a lot of time and effort into this, but I just did not enjoy it.

The Sonic Renaissance starts now. It's got its issues for sure, but it feels great to have a Sonic game I can just enjoy without reservation for the first time in more than ten years.

Finally, they gave female Shepard an option for freckles. For real, though, we all know this game's story wasn't what it could have been. You can really feel the developers rushing to get the story to an ending of some kind.

The combat is fun, albeit button mash-y. The story is... fine. There's certainly worse games to play. I really don't know what to say about this game, I played most of the way through it back in 2020, stopped until 2022, and then finished it in a single sitting. It really is just a game that's competent and that's about it. I'm sure the SNES version is way cooler because it's doing all the stuff it does on that console, but on a modern-day console, it's really only special for not having anything really wrong with it. That shouldn't be an accomplishment, but it is.

Still kind of barebones compared to later Picross e games, but I do love this kind of puzzle.

Play this for historical purposes or because you have very specific tastes. Most of the soundtrack is tolerable at best, the levels mostly have boring design, and you don't have the spindash. At least it paved the way for games I actually like.

This game takes a long time for everything, but it has one of the wildest ending twists I've ever seen, and that's pretty cool.

This game has similar problems as the previous game but more so. It is at the very least sympathetic to the indigenous people it caricatures, which I suppose counts for something.

I do not like this game even a little bit. I find the controls awkward and the game confusing. The whole time I played, I felt underpowered and unable to get more powerful. I had entirely too much trouble figuring out where to go for a game that's famous in part for being good at guiding the player. I do not think this game deserves all the praise it gets.

I played this game for a single session that lasted like four hours and then never picked it up again. I probably shouldn't have played it as my first game in the series.

I played one of these games a lot with my dad as a little kid. I'm assuming it was this one because the cover looks familiar. Good memories, but I'm sure if I tried playing this game now I either wouldn't like it or my enjoyment would be purely nostalgia.

It took me way to long to realize that Mina is gay. Also, the writing felt really heavy-handed. The game play itself was fine, I guess. It didn't make much of an impact on me. It's the same with the art and visuals. If you really like this kind of game and hate organized religion with a passion, I guess this is for you.

I can see why people would like this game, but I didn't. It's just not the kind of difficulty I can enjoy.