This game is pretty fun, but the side objectives get kind of repetitive. Still, Yuffie comes up with lyrics for the chocobo music, and Cait Sith is actually a fun character now, so I'm willing to forgive a lot.

The writing is funny, the game looks great, and the music kicks ass. The gameplay's a bit on the mediocre side, but that wasn't too bad when combined in the context of everything else.

Some of the writing was kind of funny, and the art was nice, but other than that it felt pretty phoned-in.

This is Goth Zelda (positive).

The original version on the Wii defined the Kirby formula for ten years for a reason. This version captures all that quality and then some. Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of the theme park side mode since I've never really been a Kirby sub-game enjoyer, but the epilogue mode is a really neat twist on standard Kirby gameplay. I hope the devs get a chance to iterate on it in a future game.

This game's control scheme is awful and the general moving around feels bad. The aesthetic is neat, though. This game is probably better watched than played.

This game has similar problems as the previous game but more so. It is at the very least sympathetic to the indigenous people it caricatures, which I suppose counts for something.

They did make the party members hot. I feel like I should be quicksaving constantly, though.

I do not like this game even a little bit. I find the controls awkward and the game confusing. The whole time I played, I felt underpowered and unable to get more powerful. I had entirely too much trouble figuring out where to go for a game that's famous in part for being good at guiding the player. I do not think this game deserves all the praise it gets.

I don't like rhythm games or character action games, but I do like this game. It's just got a vibe I like. I suck at it, though.

Surprisingly good for a Sonic Boom game. It's really not much better than "competent", but I'm just glad to have a game where Sticks is playable because I like her.

This game is very good. It's a shame the writing has been memed to death.

I played one of these games a lot with my dad as a little kid. I'm assuming it was this one because the cover looks familiar. Good memories, but I'm sure if I tried playing this game now I either wouldn't like it or my enjoyment would be purely nostalgia.

I played this game when it was still new. It was a good time-waster, but I don't know if I'd call it a good game.

Fun in small doses but repetitive.