I put 500 literal hours in this game, 450 of them were spent trying to pay off my house

Got concussed riding my skateboard onto a ramp while playing as a skeleton

Get ready for rng to fuck you over lmaooooooooo

If the monsters are spirits of dead children and sora makes them do his biddings for him, that means....

(Except the ventus part cus thats the only part i completed)

"AUDI FAMAAAMMMM, ILLIUSSSSSS...." Dont skip the intro

Carpel tunnel speedrun any %

Frenchman named durian gets blamed for murder

Pink ball of wonder (my son) goes on an adventure. he can turn into a car

1000/10 knacksterpiece

you get to visit the homeland of the BEST game critic, video dunkey.

this is what open worlds should be like, plus its a zelda game. You know daddy aunoma cooked