this is a really average sims game except for some ungodly reason, the ps2 version - and ONLY the ps2 version - has split screen co-op where you can control your sims? and its REALLY fun?

extra star for saying "dark souls" on the box

i hate to say it, but this game is kinda fun. the controls are funky as all get out but its satisfying enough to see from start to finish over the course of about an hour. worth a shot for the novelty

insanely nostalgic for me and good fun for what it is, but everything being unlocked from the start and the pretty short amount of content in general kinda leaves this one in the dust all things considered

metroid prime 2 stars lol

what a fall from grace this one was. first thing's first, this Dark World shit has got to go. the level design in this game - while sometimes promising from room to room - is so fucking boring as it is. the environments of Echoes are so dull and uninteresting to explore due to their extremely muted, similar color palattes and generally dry aesthetic. every area feels the exact same and that is only accentuated by the Dark World putting a purple filter over everything and constantly killing you by existing in them. it is not made more interesting to explore these boring ass worlds by making me hit the Stop N Go barrels from DKC every time i just want to not die, so why the fuck do i have to do it twice over. its made even fucking worse by the enemies they throw in there which oh MY GOD NEW PARAGRAPH

FUCK THE ENEMIES IN THIS GAME. combat has never, ever been Metroid's strong suit so god only fuckin knows why Retro keeps pushing it further and further. the sheer abundance of enemies that vanish into thin fuckin air or generally gain invincibility between bursts is absurd. the enemy encounters in this game seek only to waste your time, often locking doors behind you and more often throwing you into scenarios where combat is purely reactionary to whatever repetitive attack cycle the enemy is set to do. there are some cheese strats for certain enemies, but they often aren't possible until the end of the game, at which point it hardly matters. for 90% of the game, the sluggish controls often dont mesh well with the high-octane nature of this game's arena-based enemy encounters, and especially not the boss encounters (all of which are either too easy or too hard, with very few standouts to speak of.)

there are hundreds of little things about this game that make it so inferior to its predecessor that i truly cannot believe it's by the same team. thats not even to mention that the beams have ammo now which fuckin THE BEAMS HAVE AMMO NOW LIKE FUCKIN

if this game wasn't so damn cute yall would fuckin hate it

fun game and interesting to see how wario completely intercepted a franchise to be his own, but WAY too easy

fuck those beetles and metroids and shit

every time i think about this game i get sad

papa harada slips up a bit, circa 2001

if you say you like 3D platformers but you dont like mirror's edge, you dont like 3D platformers

always been and always will be an advocate for the most idiotic and unfitting characters in fighting games, so no matter where he sits on the tier list i will always main Phoenix Wright. few fighting games feel as loved by its devs as this game does.

how the fuck were there no circle wipes? is this really even star wars?