This is the best game ever made. Fight me.

P5 Royal was amazing, but it still pales in comparison to P4 Golden. This became the standard all Persona games reach for.

I loved this game, but I got stuck in some radioactive sludge and could not get out. Will start again, lesson learned.

This is still one of my favorite Mario games despite the camera controls and graphics.

This is the Spider-Man game we have all been waiting for!

This was the funnest Mario game since Mario 64.

Does not run great on Vita, but I still really enjoyed it. It is true to the comic while standing on it's own as a story.

Not as good as The War of the Lions, but lots of fun.

The best Final Fantasy ever made even better with FMVs and voice acting. Do not sleep on this game. Play it NOW!

I prefer this and 9 over 7 when it comes to the PS1 era, but lets face it, they all pale in comparison to Final Fantasy Tactics.

This is one of the funnest games I have every played. Reminded me a little of Spider-Man meets One Piece.

So far, this is the funnest Musou game I have ever played.