Watch Lara Croft get the shit beat out of her over and over and over again in this amazing game. The whole SquareEnix Tomb Raider series is great, but man do they like to hurt Lara.

The whole Ezio series is great, and you have to see where it starts.

The game that launched one of the most beloved, hated, controversial, confusing, convoluted, amazing, fun, heartwarming, heartbreaking series of all time. Also it has a bad ass Mickey Mouse.

This review was written before the game released

Was fun, until it wasn't, and than it disappeared.

2nd best Zelda game ever made.

The beginning of a life long obsession of mine. Play this version, not the original and you will be hooked on what is possibly the best video game series of all time.

I added a half star because my wife loved this game. I think it is an amazing game if you are a Harry Potter fanatic, but as someone who enjoys the series peripherally it was a slog.

This game is worthy of being a sequel to Earthbound. Find a way to play this if you are a fan of Earthbound, it is readily available in English.

This game gets a lot of un deserved hate. The gameplay, story, and characters are all great. People just seem to tear down popular, good games because they want to be cool.

This is my favorite of the Arkham games.

The only online game I have ever really gotten into.

The OG Batman game that led to much better things. Still worth playing and reading the Grant Morrison comic it is based on.

I play this game in large chunks like every other Fire Emblem I have played. This one is just as good, if not better than the 3ds games and better than all the classic entries in the series.

This game should be played once a year at least. It is soooo good and it is a shame that this series seems to be stuck in limbo! HAL can make more games than Kirby!