This game is interesting, but rough to get through.

A direct continuation from the first in the cold steel leg of the series, it is a great continuation of the story and it introduces us to some important characters.

This is an amazing game. Great stories, great characters, great relationship building, interesting combat and progression. I sort of wish Persona took a few things from this series to fix how much those games get bogged down at times.

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This game is a sleeper. It is so good! Connor, Edward's (from AC4 Black Flag) grandson, is a great main character, Haytham (Edward's son and Connor's father) is a great antagonist, and the story and DLC are both amazing, and we would not have 4 without it.

I really like this game, I like the whole 13 series. I really don't understand all the hate for this game. It is better than 12 and 15.

By far the best of the recent games. Bayek is a great main character, I really wish there was more Aya though. Hopefully in Mirage.

Much, much better than the 64 version.

This series, along with Yakuza, is my favorite JRPG series. This is where it all starts, and it is a great beginning to a massive series. I recently finished Trails of Cold Steel 2 and decided to replay this because Cold Steel 3 is where the two halves of the series finally meet!

It is DK, it cannot be terrible...unless it is 64 :(

It was fun, but incomplete when it came out. I recently revisited it on PS4 and it is a slog.

The X series are easiest the best X games, and this collection has all of the best in the X series.

This game was really fun! It was short, sweet, and enjoyable. Easiest platinum trophy ever.

This is probably my least favorite of the series, but I think I will revisit it on ps4.