I want to play the Black/White series again because I feel like I missed something everyone else loved. I know it was graphically beautiful, but people seem to really like the setting of the series.

This is the best Kingdom Hearts game and the beginning of all the convolution.

I like this game a lot more than the Dark Souls games and about the same as Bloodborne. It still makes me really mad.

This game was so silly, heartwarming, and fun! I really enjoy this series, and this is probably my favorite entry in the series. Contender for my favorite game played this year.

This game is amazing! It is one of my favorite games I have played this year.

Not the best Zelda game, and not the worst Zelda game.

I really, really wish this would get a remake of some sort. The story in the original was so good, and Altair is one of the best protagonists in the story.

This is good, but it is not as good as the original.

An improvement to make an amazing game perfect.

The best version of FF1 out there.

Not only are the best ROMHacks made from this game, this is the definitive version of the original Pokemon games.

This is one of the first visual novel style games I every completed. It is a lot of fun and really goofy.

I really loved the original, I am really loving this remaster.