I hated this game at first, but after the shock of not playing as Solid Snake for most of the game wore off; it really grew on me.

One of the BEST JRPGS ever made. Play this now.

Not as good as Ocarina, few games are...

I really enjoyed my time with this game, but it quickly became tedious. So much reading. I do enjoy the snarky Claremontian Narrator though.

This game was interesting, but I don't really get all the hype.

The last of the classic Mario games. I still play this game constantly. It is just so much fun.

Yep, it is Animal Crossing and the pandemic made it a phenomenon

This entry is a lot easier and a lot more accessible than the other 2. I enjoyed it for what it was, and the story is really good.

I have played a lot of this game, but it just never clicked with me outside of building cool stuff. I was not into the boss fights or enemies.

This game is amazing! I am not sure why it is sitting at 4 stars. No other Bioshock game has come close to the original entry in the series.

The only Resident Evil game I have ever finished.

This is the 3rd Zelda game I every played, and is my 3rd favorite behind Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past. Modern Zelda games would not exist without this entry, and it holds up better than most of the games that came after it.

Another great Spider-Man game. While the gameplay was better and the story was really good; it was to bloody short. It should have been a DLC to the previous game instead of a stand alone game.

I enjoyed this...at first...it quickly became tedious. Everyone seems to like this game, and I want to like it. It has time loops, planet exploration, cool aliens, and it was fun. I just could not continue it after a while.