32 Reviews liked by Mushrooman

Whenever someone says "2D Minecraft" I lose a small amount of my lifespan

+The Colossi look amazing
+Riding around on one, especially the flying ones, is cinematic and incredible-feeling
+The environment looks incredible
+The puzzle elements of the boss fights feels rewarding to figure out for the first time
+The soundtrack is epic

-Despite the amazing looking scenery, the world itself is devoid of anything, making going through it 16 times in a row a huge slog, which is made worse by the two following cons:
-The horse controls like crap
-The camera is pretty bad, but especially so while riding the horse
-The fact you need to raise your sword and draw power before you stab makes the CONSTANT losing of grip due to the Colossi moving around unbearable
-Same with trying to climb around the Colossi, as you often manage to make zero progress because your character keeps swaying for like 30 seconds straight
-Too much of the boss fights is just playing the waiting game
-Being knocked down takes way too long to get back up. Especially annoying in fights where the enemy will knock you down, then as soon as you start getting back up they knock you down again, over and over and over.

~The sword acting as a homing beacon is a neat idea, but the vagueness of it just leads to dead ends.

Bidiots is great until no one lets you buy a single painting

I did not understand what was going on.

cool puzzles tho :)

game freak when they have a pokemon game due at 11:59

cute game, but it desperately needs a doom-like execution mechanic


I didn't get racism until it happened to robots

newgrounds is the reddit of videogames

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

/r/animemes have found their Black Panther

some dude who's favorite game is a JRPG with a 20 minute skit about accidentally groping a girl: "the writing is pretty cringe"

it's actually called "Super Mario Bros. 2" in japan

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife