84 Reviews liked by Mystjc

honestly, this is an all-timer.

This game feels like grandma's food on a rainy day...

The silly humour, the warm dialogs, the vast island. All is just great. Never thought I could have this much fun with a lacoste's rpg <3

a charming and heartfelt game about a lil gator wanting to play with their big sister.

Press Button To Ragdoll.

Similar to GTA Online in that it it always devolved into you and friends killing each other in absurd ways until you piss yourself laughing

Wholesome collect-a-thon in the spirit of A Short Hike, framed around memories of childhood with a heavy nostalgia for Zelda. There's too much dialogue, little variety in quests, and not enough different music tracks, but who cares when the game is this fun to just wander around in. The antics of Lil Gator always bought a smile to my face, whether he was Naruto running, skateboarding or ragdolling down a cliff. An excellent and comforting few hours between all the overwhelming and intense big releases.

this is utterly grim, nvidia rtx remix is to gaming what ai generated images are to art. the aesthetic of portal is completely neutered in favor of smudgy hi-res textures and overblown lighting.

not to mention that the new visuals actively detriment the original game's visual guiding and design!!! i've replayed this game a ton and i actually couldn't tell where to go sometimes because the visual clutter introduced by raytracing was so awful.

how excellent that nvidia has blessed us with the ability to make games look like unreal engine nintendo hire this man type shit.

You've no doubt heard countless people say that the only thing they like about Overwatch at this point is the porn.

However, I heavily disagree with those people because I am asexual and as such, I don't even like the porn.

Rest in piss bozo

I think it will take awhile for me to fully form my opinions on Tears of the Kingdom, but what I can say right now is that it is the most fun I have had playing a game. There is just so much in it to engage with, and the flexibility and ridiculousness of its mechanics leads to so many amazing player-driven moments. While I do have a long list of criticisms about it, its best bits massively outweigh those issues.

It's good. You know it's good. You know why it's good. It uses its medium to the full potential in terms of story, gameplay, etc. etc. It kind of makes most other games worse by proximity because they weren't as good at being games as Outer Wilds is. Also one of the few pieces of media to make me shed a few tears, even if after the fact.

Everything else to say has probably already been said so instead I'll bitch about something that doesn't matter at all: I see fans say shit like "u'll never experience it again u can never replay :(((" It's like, yeah, that applies to fuckin' everything! That's sort of a big contributing factor to why this is special! Experiences are always fleeting, positive ones moreso. Cherish your memories but don't wallow in them; move on in the hopes to experience even greater things, ya damn redditor.
I think it rubs me the wrong way cause gamers seem tired of how bloated, stretched out, and unoriginal modern games can be but then their first response to something new and exciting is "no replayability. too short. i want moree. sequel when?" Like, you're part of the problem! That type of feedback is why almost every good game this year has been a remake or a sequel, they're just giving us what we ask for which is more of the same. This is probably a human nature thing and I'm just as much of a perpetrator of this as anybody (Silksong when?).
Wait, what was I doing? Was this a review for something?

(Includes Echoes of the Eye DLC)
(Mastered because I got all the achievements)

It's The Legend of Zelda and it's really rad!
Those creatures from Ganon are pretty bad!
Octoroks, tektites and leevers too
But with your help, our hero pulls through!
Yeah, Go Link, Yeah, Get Zelda!
Wikki Wikki Wick!

i had fun with it... until i saw skyler NUDE!

This game is a sad excuse for an Indie game -- a soulless cash grab. I spent good money expecting to beat a long, heartwarming story. Instead, I was met with shitty graphics, shitty fan art, shitty porn, dog shit. The fact my 11 year old son was playing this was enough for me to send him away to boarding school. Seriously, fuck this game.