Little Fella Trigger List

How to trigger me in the Little Fella server

Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Hate on Kingdom Hearts and call it ass when in reality it's just average
Say the game looks like shit and replicant is better
Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles
Say the game looks like shit and definitive edition is better
When a certain individual hates on this
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
When I'm told it's weird I gave this a 10
When I'm told this isn't peak souls (it is)
Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V
When I'm told this is shit by a certain couple individuals (one is gone now tho)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
When I'm told this must be ass because of the low average on the site
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 6
Megaman hate by fellas that haven't played past megaman 3


This is more of a personal list that applies to my discord server btw

4 months ago

SMT 5 isnt good btw ;p
Time to die

4 months ago

He's right yknow mr reyn 😌
You're why it's on here lol

4 months ago

Luckily I'm not on here :hogwink:
Indeed you're not 😊

4 months ago

Omg the XBC1 thing 😭I feel your pain
@qbbyamiibo ily omg, finally someone relates to that struggle

4 months ago

IDK what this is about but I love Plants vs Zombies :D
@japanikatti ah just some takes my fellow discord server friends have that can rustle my jimmies. Hell yeah, pvz is awesome

4 months ago

as much as replicant 1.22 is better imo i still have to say the OG NieR has its own charm, it's incredible how good cavia managed to do with little budget (unlike access games with DOD3)

4 months ago

As someone who gave PVZ 5 stars, I approve

4 months ago

OG NieR looks so much nicer than Replicant Remake imo. Really reminds me of Ico and SotC's aesthetic

4 months ago

Dude, kingdom hearts is great, from a gameplay and storytelling perspective, the first kingdom hearts is up there for peak RPGs
People just do t take it seriously because of the Disney stuff, which is unfortunate
@jaco5180 @obscureegg @woodoo @teshena sorry for the late reply, I'll just say you're all epic

3 months ago

Dude, the Mega Man 6 one is actually so true. I think it's even worse for Mega Man 4, because so damn often I find that people will play it once, say that it's boring (or that the charge shot is overpowered which, it's not), give it a terrible rating and move on, even though there's a lot more to the game than you're making it out to be.
@Yuzrnaime yeah exactlyyy, so annoying

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