Very good game,fluid movement and combat,good platforming when it wants to have it and good challenge

Great main characters with amazing dynamics,engaging combat,however i feel the villains fall short in this game

This is a great game but the only area with truly great storytelling is the third semester and I dont think it would be even half as good as the other entries if it did not have the gameplay that it does,the dynamic exploration and the improvement of the one more system that makes it more than just a watered down press turn system are probably the greatest leap gameplay wise from the previous two entries

The combat is very fun but can also be frustrating when it wants to,the amount of heals you can keep on you at any time reduces the difficulty greatly and has one of my favourite videogame main characters oat

Amazing game,with fun character dynamics and the best social links within the second trilogy hands down,the worst the writing ever gets is some poor taste gags

great game but falls short in the aspect of level design compared to previous titles by a HUGE amount

My favourite indie game oat and has some of my favourite bosses in all of gaminf (btw this is modded)

The combat is very fast based with you basically always on the move, you have to be pretty quick on your feet to get by some encounters and it is extreeeeemely cool, like super cool. The stories pretty neat and it keeps you engaged the whole way through, soundtrack is kind of synthy and the games got some post game extras that make replays fun, also the secret boss was reallyyy fun

Honestly this game is just really fun

Combat is probably some of the best in the series and is a really good time with friends

Probs one of my favourite ending in megaten along with the best ending theme,and introduced,in my opinion,the greatest combat system to meet the turn based style,i truly do nit think it gets better than the pressturn its so incredibly versatile its not funny,amazing boss design,interesting puzzles at times,a good world that its set in and interesting mythological/religious inspirations

Maybe this is just a huge difference between portable and fes but this game was a let down compared to what i’d heard of it,imo there are only 3 truly great characters,that being junpei,aigis and chihiro,the social links are rather forgettable and i did not like the music that much,besides memories of the city and memories of you,the tartarus ost is downright awful staying in that dungeon for more than 3 minutes drives you insane,i dont mind the visual novel look truth be told but i think a lot of things this game does are done better by games that released before and after it,however i will give it the credit its emotions emotional moments

Smooth,fun combat,good level design and puzzles,mostly great boss fights with maybe some frustrating to maybe even downright awful enemies,has the best overall casts in the series and the best final boss,yes better than dmc5’s

I truly do not believe the metroidvania genre will reach a peak like aria of sorrow

This game is home to amazing sprite work with beautiful settings, although its combat feels rather dated in the way that the moves happen in a sequence and not as you input them which hasnt left a good impression in me both in this game and its predecessor (innocent sin). What stands out about this game is its phenomenal story, Persona 2 is a masterclass of storytelling in the persona franchise, not only from the perspective of the characters own stories and relationship developments, but in how well paced it all is, in terms of Persona stories, theres this and then theres everything else