14 Reviews liked by NeoLanky

Since they're both N64 kart racers with Nintendo characters, this game gets compared to Mario Kart 64 a lot. But the things that each game does better than the other make for experiences that scratch different itches.

While MK64 has better Battle Mode and the multiplayer racing is pretty equally good between them, the Adventure Mode in Diddy Kong Racing is phenomenal. Alone or with a friend, you navigate the overworld, complete races and challenges, and even fight bosses. Mario Kart was always the standard for multiplayer. But Diddy Kong Racing?

Diddy Kong is for adventure.

The visual design of the game is really cool, but unfortunately the poorly implemented motion controls, repetitive mission structure, and unbalanced skill system hold the game back from being fun.

Disappointing entry in the series. Has a lot of potential but it almost feels like they forgot to put the love and soul into it. Very basic modes and lots of missing features.

was nice when it came out, but it have almost zero replay value so definitely not worth the 60$

This game is shallow and soulless. Yes it can be fun but there’s not much here. The game favors whoevers last a lot and rng in this game, as in all Mario party games, is crap. But worse in this game. It’s playable. Not worth full price. Maybe on sale. Get super Mario party all stars instead.

A late SNES release that often gets overlooked with somewhat good reasons. The graphics and art direction are great, providing an artsy feel to the game. The platforming and level design are average and nothing special.

Not a huge FF guy but I still love this game.

I absolutely adore the way the game controls, the level design, the puzzles and platforming, the way everything connects with itself, the level themes, the humour, the abilities you learn, the minigames, the atmosphere... Easily the game of all time.

An amazing platformer, every level feels unique and contains its own interesting gameplay gimmicks. The 'Hurry Up' segments can be pretty tense and anxiety-inducing but the feeling of relief after
successfully completing the level makes the game satisfying to play.

Everything about this game is just fantastic:

-The innovative rhythm-based combo system (that I have yet to see used in any other game)
-The semi-realtime slow ticking health counters from Earthbound
-An amazing OST
-An interesting/unique/psychedelic/tragic story about capitalist alien pigmen

The game's only issues (imo) are those inherent to the JRPG genre, such as occasional need for level grinding, etc.

This game essentially takes what made Mother 1 and Mother 2 great and expanded upon it, while simultaneously fixing the major issues plaguing each game. The story is excellent, a huge upgrade from the previous titles. The gameplay is similar to Mother 2, but is expanded with more fun options and fixes encounters by making them easier to avoid at times. Grinding never felt like an issue at all, and the chapter structure was great early on to introduce the cast from different perspectives. Also, this is easily one of the best soundtracks I've heard. This game is packed full of amazing songs throughout, and I can't say that I really dislike any of them. Hopefully someday more people can enjoy this game, at least in an official capacity.

What Cyberpunk should of been

most fun offline pvp game i've ever played,fun singleplayer mode.,it's a shame this game is locked to old platforms :(