524 Reviews liked by NessyBoy64

A very unique and interesting JRPG. Saga follows a fairly standard revenge plot for most of the game but it carries the excellent atmosphere, setting, art direction and music that comes with being a panzer dragoon game and the story becomes more nuanced later on. The game is really short for a JRPG and well-paced aside from a couple areas that were a tad longer than they should've been. There are few characters but they're pretty likable thanks to the well-written dialogue and solid voice acting for such an old game. I was confused by the language swap in the beginning for a while but the explanation for it in the ending retroactively made it awesome. Edge is pretty standard for a JRPG MC but he tends to have good interactions with the other characters, especially Azel and Paet. The 3D models are pretty outdated but they are well-animated which, in conjunction with the well-done voice acting, makes the cutscenes still feel natural and intriguing despite the low-fidelity models. The areas, enemies and dragons look great thanks to the stellar art direction and flying around on the dragon is way cooler than running around like a normal JRPG. Saga does have an issue with certain spots not really guiding you on where to go next and others guiding you too much (i.e blasting open a hole in the floor then having Azel tell you you can go down now). I like the battle system a lot thanks to how fresh it is compared to other JRPG systems and how well it implements the style of normal panzer dragoon gameplay. There are a lot of battles that are so easy they might as well have just given me the EXP and saved me some time, but it was just a minor annoyance made up for by the cool boss fights.

I never got the GOAT status of this game. I always thought there were better games released in 98 and I never saw this as a masterpiece. I suppose I needed to be there to really get it. A fully 3d zelda game of this scale probably felt really grand at the time especially on the n64. Yet it didn’t hit me as this great game, just a solid game that’s a little dated.
I enjoy the dungeons well enough, the map is decent and the music is solid. There’s a lot of good stuff here but not a ton that blows me away. Just a good zelda game with a cool time travel mechanic. I really wish I could love this one and I kinda do get it. It’s ambitious and big for a n64 game and the first time zelda was in 3d. the transition was really great all things considered it’s kinda a seamless transition between link to the past and this.

Maybe if i was more of a zelda fan i’d get it more but Still I don’t think this is by no means a bad game in fact it’s quite good.

Watchmojo overhyped this game for me when I was younger lol

Somber platforming and an eclectic soundtrack full of waltz compositions and an oddly pervasive use of lo-fi samples and drum beats, very unique. But levels get pretty repetitive pretty quick, and bosses are generally bad.

The ending to this game is so fucked up, the original cuts to credits right after the final boss. The fan translation adds a
custom ending, but it looks total dogshit cause they just re-use sprites from the other parts of the game with no regard for proportions. It needs to be seen to be believed, it's like a dogshit newgrounds animation.

trick the police into hitting themselves with rakes, slamming SWAT members into doors, it's an arcade bop

also adore that the US version made the plot even more anti-cap by having you expose government corruption instead of being just robbers

Capcom please! bring this game back! Please!!

It's fine
but It got better

This was cute! It didn't make a nuisance of itself and it kept my attention in a sort of mindless way! The dragons are cute and the enemy bosses look really cool. I went in with more or less no expectations and was surprised at how nice it was for a Game Gear game!

I will say, there's no ending. Literally just a congratulations screen and then back to the beginning--just bonkers stuff hahaha

One of the bosses reminded me of NES Godzilla. Zenith of the medium.

It's amazing that this even exists. The lock on non-analogue shooting actually feels somewhat satisfying, and the boss battles look great.

hey you know that rail shooter series we have? the one that's focused on atmosphere, environmental storytelling, and spectacle?
why don't we try putting it on a console that can't do any of those things
and can't handle a rail shooter
the music is a little cool because it's just an adaptation of zwei's music but basically all of it is misplaced (why am i hearing the music to a snow level in a desert level??)
this game reuses the same midboss in every level but the last lmao

Just a massive snooze-fest, feels more like a prototype than an actual finished game. Can't complete this game because of how bare bones everything is, making the gameplay incredibly boring.

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After the sleep fest that was Alex Kiddy shit

I decided to play a good game on the Genesis and it's one made by Treasure.
It's a really good as hell run and gun game and a hood classic for the Genesis that isn't just Sonic or Streets of Rage, the only thing that was kinda shit was the ending. But overall definitely a worthwhile game, and I hope to play it again with 2 player and get around to play more of Treasure's other games on the Genesis and beyond. (So far I played this, Rakugaki Showtime, a bit of Guardian Heroes and most importantly WARIO WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD)

Much better game than the first one, in every aspect that I can think of. It's about as good as Saga is for it's respective genre. It'd be cool if they remade this one in the future.

A big step up with improved playability and presentation, a branching-paths system, and a super meter that's very fun to use. Its Moebius-esque ambiance allows for some moments of poetic storytelling.