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This game has something to it I can't really name. I'm so passionate about football (no, it's not soccer), which is why the game is something for me.
I kinda like the story premise of this kid finding a football and instantly falling in love with it. The design is cute and to me it feels like an SNES Zelda game, but instead of a sword you have a football.

The gameplay is running from A to B most of the time, playing some matches, accomplishing little objectives and doing smaller side quests. But overall, it is just a relaxing gaming experience without using your head too much.

And the best thing? Your goalkeeper is a panda... GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WHAT?!

I don't like Open World games. I get lost, I don't like meaningless quests, I don't like generic NPC dialogue, ... This list goes on and on and on.

However, there were two games (with a similar formula), that worked well for me. Zelda BOTW and Elden Ring.

Elden Ring is a great game. The only thing I didn't like was the damage balancing. But let's focus on the great aspects:
- vast open world
- great enemy design
- exciting atmosphere
- typical Souls gameplay, but refined
- a jumping horse

So, that's it. A classic 10/10 masterpiece for the CHAAAAMPIONS! ♥️

This is a fun 3D brawler to play with a couple of friends. I think that my rating will rise higher over time, because now it is rather limited in content.

The premise and the overall game is fun though.

There are certain aspects to the game that I really like:
- building your camp
- helping pals that you can assign to tasks
- fighting and capturing
- interacting with a variety of pals (as mounts, weapons, etc.)
- relaxing atmosphere and gameplay

However, the game‘s current, technical state is worrying and according to videos, the developers don‘t continue to work on their Early Access-titles, eg. Craftopia.
So I could play this on Game Pass and it was more or less free, but if I had paid 20+ euros for this game, I wouldn‘t have been satisfied.

- tons and TONS of glitches
- empty open world
- no story, dialogue or interesting locations

For instance, there is a small town in a desert area. 60% of NPCs are glitched under the surface and no dialogue whatsoever makes any sense.

- many copied elements, that don‘t always work
- not many things to apart from running around and capturing pals
- coop-gameplay on Xbox only works, if the creator of the world starts the game
- only XP-grind is capturing pals as in Legends Arceus
- pals don‘t do anything in the wild, they‘re just standing around in places
- …

So, there are immense, technical downsides to the game. It‘s still a funny mix, as it as a lite-version of ARK, but it could‘ve been a gamechanger for the whole genre. Maybe some other company learns from it and gives us a game like this. As long as it is not Ubisoft…

Great game, but hard like a bone.


Psychonauts 1 is a classic that I never experienced on the original Xbox. Then, when the second one was announced, I was excited to play both of them on Game Pass.

Psychonauts 2 is charming, funny and has so much depth to it. The gameplay is amazing, the dialogue is great and the level design is outstanding.

Truly, a great game and a MUST PLAY if you are subscribed to Game Pass. 😊

The best Pokémon game up to this day.

I think I have around 400-500 hours on this game, if not more. This is our go-to game at evenings when we want to play a couple of hours.
I like many things about it:
- the gunplay
- the characters
- the map design (most of it)

But there are also so many points that enrage me to another level:
- Stormpoint map (GET THAT SHIT OUTTA MY FACE!)
- No cool, permanent game modes
- So much downtime (in-game, but also between games)

Those are basics that unfortunately ruin my fun playing this game. This could easily be one of the best shooters ever, if they just added some solid modes and more variety.

One of my favourite Pokémon games. Nice graphics, great remaster, fun to play.

This was probably peak Pokémon.

I love platformers, but Rayman Origins just doesn't appeal to me. I have startet it multiple times, but unfortunately it never kept me entertained.

The biggest issues to me are two things:
Whacky controls and one immensely stupid design choice...

This is something that really bothers me in games. It's the same with the Hitman series. Why are you giving me points directly after a mission? I wanna explore the game, have fun with it and feel its atmosphere...
And in Rayman I ran through a level and after every jump I have to think "UHHH DID I MISS SOMETHING NOW?!"

I don't wanna play like that, because this really disturbs my sense of exploration. There is nothing more infuriating to me in a game than when you had fun with a level and you get to an endscreen that just tells you "EF YOU YOU EFFIN PIECE OF TRASH. YOU MISSED ON STUPID COIN-THINGY THAT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL BUT I WON'T LET YOU SKIP IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO SEE THAT YOU FAILED HAHA!"

Why should I replay that? To do the exact same run but just get the timing better on ONE single jump that I had missed earlier. I just can't wrap my head around that design choice.

So to me.. I love Rayman, I love platforming, but this game just sucks ass in my opinion, I'm sorry Ray-jay-may-jay.

There once was this day, when I entered my favourite game store as a teenager and something caught my attention. It was a plastic box, formed like some devil relic. I had no idea what it was, but it cost 150 bucks. So I asked the shop owner and he told me:
"Man, this is God of War 1-3... YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! YOU HAVE A PLAYSTATION!"

And I thought... okay.

Then I went home and funny enough, didn't play it. I gave it to my brother and a couple of days later he screamed at me: "MAN! YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! THIS IS AWESOME!"

So I started my God of War adventure and why I picked 3 for the review has the following reason.
I ended God of War 2 and as you know, part 3 immediately continues where 2 left us off. And all of a sudden, the graphics were like pumped up because part 2 was a PS2 game and 3 was released on PS3.
And damn, this first sequence... Climbing up Olympus on the back of a titan, fighting Poseidon. This will forever be a magic moment to me.
Great game, great series. Masterpiece!

Great 3d platformer with creative level design, fun mechanics and a nice soundtrack.

This is a sweet spot in my heart, because it was the first game I got 1000/1000 gamerscore on Xbox. This game is crazy, hilarious and really fun to play.

It's been years since I played it for the first time and to this day I was often thinking: "Damn... Could they remaster this?"

I was probably one of 14 people that have ever played it, but I liked every second of it. I mean, just the sentence "KILL ME WITH YOUR HOT BONER!" will haunt me forever.

I made a 40 minute video about this game and why players didn't get it back then when it was released.
The hate this game got was unbearable and completely undeserved. This is a masterpiece video game.


PS: Ellie and Abby are among the most complex characters in video game history. Bye. ♥