Spyro 1: A bit frustrating. It's alright. Full of some of the same "old" game gunk that plagued the early Crash Bandicoot titles.

Spyro 2: A welcome step in the right direction. They started testing some fun new concepts here, but they didn't always land perfectly.

Spyro 3: A masterpiece. Frustrating difficulty that stems from difficult camera controls and precise platforming is thrown out the window. Instead, this game features, by far, the most diverse levels, characters, and story of the pack of three. This game makes the pack worth playing, alone.

Short and sweet campaign, fun movement, big robots!

One of those games that just makes my brain feel at rest.

It's really hard not to blink once the tears start going ngl

Playing this game made me want to be a better person by the time it was done.

(On the real: the music, the combat, the style, and the story are all top notch. I normally hate turn based combat and was not into anime, this changed that.)

(P.S. Playing this game so that the end coincided with my college graduation made the themes hit so much harder)