Playing Overwatch 2 is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, except five of the six bullet chambers are loaded.

The video game equivalent of contracting brain worms.

Getting stars in video games by outsmarting every puzzle with "wings" or "gun" or "fixed" makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Would I say this is a bad game? No. Would I say that this game is a massive downgrade in nearly every way from the other three titles in the mainline trilogy? Absolutely.

Besides being more Arkham, which is a good thing, Origins offers very little to positively distinguish itself from all of the other Arkham games. What does characterize Origins, however, is copious bugs, an insane amount of brainless collectibles, and a game world that feels FAR less fleshed out than the other titles.

If you've played the other three titles and are looking for more, try it out.
If you haven't played ANY of the other three, play those instead.

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I wasn't expecting the intense body horror parasite plot twist ending in my Muppet Burgerbug game.

This game is the video game equivalent of a little piece of fudge you bought from a local candy store. It's short, sweet, and stays just long enough.
(Completed on Xbox Gamepass)

Playing this game made me want to be a better person by the time it was done.

(On the real: the music, the combat, the style, and the story are all top notch. I normally hate turn based combat and was not into anime, this changed that.)

(P.S. Playing this game so that the end coincided with my college graduation made the themes hit so much harder)

The interesting central concept and engaging celebrity performances cannot save this game from its horrid controls. I couldn't help thinking how much better a different studio could've treated this game.

Spyro 1: A bit frustrating. It's alright. Full of some of the same "old" game gunk that plagued the early Crash Bandicoot titles.

Spyro 2: A welcome step in the right direction. They started testing some fun new concepts here, but they didn't always land perfectly.

Spyro 3: A masterpiece. Frustrating difficulty that stems from difficult camera controls and precise platforming is thrown out the window. Instead, this game features, by far, the most diverse levels, characters, and story of the pack of three. This game makes the pack worth playing, alone.

Y'know, I hated this game upon release. However, I wonder if part of that wasn't me being upset that the game was different from what I had expected. Certainly, there are pieces of this game that still do not hold up (Arkham Knight's reveal, Batmobile boss fights, etc.), but this is also the entry in the series with the most refined combat and predator sections. Still easily recommendable.

It's really hard not to blink once the tears start going ngl

Unrivaled amounts of fun with friends

Not going to lie to you, I seriously regret this purchase. Is it a fun fighter? Yes...
Is it seriously devoid of content still? Absolutely.

There is absolutely no excuse for a game this bare bones to be retailing for 49.99. Essentially feels like one of those unofficial Smash Brothers reskin videos.

(Not that I would assume anyone would be purchasing this for single player content, but on the off chance that person is you, AVOID THIS.)

Kill lot enemies. Brain go brrrrrrrr.

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You play as a baby, a frog, an owl, a sea monster, and a fish chopper in this game… and it still manages to tell a more compelling story than 95% of other games.