This is interesting in its uniqueness more than anything else. One of those things you don't really like, but you enjoy that someone came up with the idea.

The music is good and chill, but I'm shit at selling diamonds.

It's just really boring. Zombies take far too long to die. Mindless hacking away. It's been years since I played Z2 Chaos, but in my memory it absolutely clowns on Origin.

I pray this isn't an example of where the series is going.

It's a shame this is stuck on PSVR because there's a fun wee game there, but it's buried beneath such blurry and jaggy visuals that it's only really good for a first class ticket to migraine town.

Solid escape room puzzler with some interesting wee twists that freshen a seemingly cliched setup.

This was a replay. Originally played it on WiiU at release, and it still feels like the perfect wee thing to just jump into for quick fun puzzles.

Felt like they could have changed the cog wheel stuff to work with the thumbsticks instead of still using the touch screen, as it often gets fiddly. But it remains such a lovely wee game.

I remember this being more solid but it turns out that was because I played the 360 port with the improvements.

It's very funny that the main aspect of the game is so jank. Melee combat at the forefront and it feels a bit like trying to fight in water. You could understand the guns being the dodgy part, but they feel equally just as loose as throwing hands.

The setting and mad character designs do the heavy lifting. It's an interesting world, and it certainly helps that the big "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET" voiced motherfucker do be cubin'.

A surprisingly long bit of DLC that was gladly welcomed. Sam was a bit of a mystery in the main game, and with him being American he always felt like the outsider of the group. So it was nice to spend more time with him, and really cement that he's a double hard bastard. A genuine action hero.

Apart from the Exorcist III jumpscares that don't work anymore with these kinda games because you're constantly expecting them, this is a decent wee thing.

The most I've liked anything Puppet Combo-adjacent.

I decided to replay FF1 before Stranger of Paradise, as if it will matter anything beyond maybe some familiar names, or seeing an old sprite in magical 3D.

Not brilliant, but also not terrible enough for me to just come on here and write "Undead Shites".

A real mixed bag. Some cool ideas, a few of which I'm hoping to see get fleshed out into bigger things, and some very poor stuff in there too.



The ending can be seen a mile away, but I'm a real sucker for games that involve lots of wee puzzles with switches and booklets to reference.

There's something so satisfying about entering codes by working out ciphers and shit. It does enough of that kinda stuff for me to not hate it.

Better than the base game by virtue of having a big baddie that you can't just shoot.

I enjoyed Alan Wake back in the day, and am a bit disappointed in how little we get from him here. It feels more Wake adjacent, which I understand because this is Control after all, and it's setting up Alan Wake 2, or possibly even a combo sequel for both games. But that kinda thing is considered a risk now, and we know the big companies don't really do those anymore.

It's fine. An ok wee epilogue.

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What an enjoyable shooter absolutely marred by the insistence of doing DEEP LORE.

I really wish I had just ignored all the codex pickups, because they've essentially got me hating the Doom Slayer. Who gives a fuck about his past? The character works best as an ultraviolent tornado of a man that strikes fear into the hearts of creatures from hell as he runs on pure hatred. He's doesn't need to be special, some chosen fuck. A regular fella who is just infinitely more angry than demons is plenty. But every single codex pickup had me sighing as I anticipated another essay.

Far too much about him outside of combat just felt neutered too. How is this the same person from DOOM 2016? Who is this using touchscreens normally, and calmly listening to people talk? Bending the fuckin' knee to some ghost? Away ye go. If the combat wasn't still shit-hot adrenaline revving fun I'd have bowed out very early.