25th Anniversary edition warranted another playthrough.

Apart from the flaws the story has, the character building and overall loot grind is flawless.

Very fun so far. Still on Disc 1. Don't think I'll finish it in time for Rebirth.

Gave it a try. Not for me but the devs really put their blood, sweat, and tears into this game.

So much fun. Soundtrack is amazing too.

Different but very fun. Hope to see more like this in the future.

It's an expansion upon the last game, with a larger map. I'm fine with that formula and am excited to see how they may (or may not) expand upon that formula in games to come, but I have a few pet peeves with this game.

The first, being exclusive cars. I know they do this to keep players coming back, but it's just something I'd rather them not do. Even though there's 500+ cars in the game I still want more lol. Also the grinding is ridiculous and PGG does everything in their power to make it so the grind for credits is harder. I don't understand why they keep doing this. The backwards part about is is that there were microtransactions (tokens) in Horizon 3, and it was arguably EASIER to grind for credits. if you had VIP, you would get double credits permanently.

That was a lot of complaining but even though this game may not be the best in the series, it still gets 5 stars from me because I've been having so much fun playing this game.

When I hit 'em from the back I got them mami's saying dammit man
When I put it in they mouth I got them mami's saying duh-huh-huh-muhh


Now you're thinking with portals

I understand why this game was GOTY for 2021

Played on 360 then played again on PC. One of the best Far Cry games out there.