love hitting that ctrl button

This is Super Mario's world and we're just livin in it

Momento Mori 💀 Remember you 🫵 are mortal 😧Remember you will die 😬🙄 Remember your death 😏😜

I want some of peach's cake if you know what I'm sayin 😜 up top ✋

Love that title screen jingle I wonder if I can play the game its from in the collection!

Still the best one in its genre!

My favorite character is me

The news called my uncle a creeper but he doesn't explode lol, talk about fake news!

Thankful everyday that I like this game a normal amount

This is still the best one and I won't let any nerds yelling about the level curve to tell me otherwise

Unfortunate that this is still the best Sinnoh game!