November, 2023


a matchmaking patch [with no real technical issues addressed] excused as standalone with 3do port art assets, disruptive kinesthetic changes and the sum total of two ror2 early access content updates [roguelite progression reaching its apex as solo call of duty multiplayer] for gearbox to siphon further sales of ror'1' with a substantial mark up [the tyranny of drm-free gaming deserves opposition as strong as randy pitchford!]

August, 2023


in the grim dark future of 2023, the target audience for pc games is tech illiterate unmodded switch owners

September, 2021


perhaps the worst optimized pc game in recorded history. best balanced version of lod

May, 2021


the closest i'll get to hecatomb. bewilderingly misadvertised

March, 2021


forsaken brianna saying solaris vs desecrators ship computer saying bubblebomb

September, 2020


went into a far worse self-confused direction following the new blood partnership. how did that happen? 'budget doom eternal' meme forcing

August, 2020


gets good on eclipse 4

December, 2019


you're far better off with nhe on xemu and project cartographer than this broken goyslop

September, 2019


why wouldn't a community patch for build 2571 suffice over all of these highly dubious mods and tcs?

shadows addon is closest to ogs as it realistically would have released, is what i would recommend most over similar recreation attempts but remains lacking from the author's own inclusions

August, 2019


the maze soundtrack proves that it is only a fluke when remedy ever comes close to making a good game

June, 2019


'boomer shooter' is a fittingly low self-esteem term for whatever washed up impersonator garbage the kids are playing, overseen by a fratbro with a forehead dent and his harem of diaper fetishists. i'm too busy playing 'intelligentsia shooters' instead, you shouldn't settle for less in life either

May, 2019

February, 2018



why is hdtf catalogued twice?


May, 2017


the original grift. i pre-ordered this

December, 2016


straferunning is too great of a sacrifice for... what tangible benefit, exactly?

October, 2016


the vast history of the shitscan first person shooter concludes with an acknowledgment that it had reached a developmental dead end by the syndicate reboot and presents encore a mix-and-match showcase of all its relentless mediocrity

May, 2016


kills the soul as much as black metal tape remasters


halo 4 with gore

April, 2016


wasn't too bad before the workshop update

September, 2015

November, 2014


campaign's art design is worse than h:cea, multiplayer could have done far better with any other map in place of ascension remade

May, 2014

November, 2013


no one who didn't mind the series trajectory started with mw2 can make up a single coherent reason for why they don't like this game

August, 2012

August, 2011


you live in the worst possible timeline where, instead of deus ex insurrection, you got old ubisoft montreal staff degenerating themselves into building a late ubisoft montreal game off the shitstained blueprints of invisible war, mass effect and UI accessibility trends – written by a community college sophomore

November, 2009


Really love Activision's offering on the multiplayer Military First Person Shooter market. Amazing product, arrived with no defects. Just what I wanted.

Really love Activision's offering on the multiplayer Military First Person Shooter market. Amazing product, arrived with no defects. Just what I wanted.

September, 2009


could have done without the embarrassing breakup line


stopped being playable after b1.7.3 and stopped being respectable after jeb took over

November, 2008


bad campaign, arguably [if not actually] better multiplayer than vanilla cod4 – i, myself, am pissed about nerfed bolts. did you know that mp-40 does not have unreasonably high damage on pc? xbl kids cucked as usual