It's a very good and faithful return of the series. Gameplay is actually more archaic than it was in Streets of Rage 3, but that's propably a good decision. It's more precise and playable than any other Streets of Rage game, and soundtrack is excellent. Played it through five times and that took me 13 hours. I hope we get more Golden Axe next.

If you pay any attention to the documents you find in the game, you probably know exactly what's going to happen in the story less that halfway in. That's the point where all of the horror and scariness is gone and the fact that all of the protagonists are scared and unable to see what's clear as day in front of them becomes a huge annoyance. Only reasons to continue playing were the graphics, nice spooky atmosphere and my motherly urge to quide these whiny kids to safety.

If you have played any soulslike game you know exactly what this game is all about. You know how the level-design works and you are already a master of it's combat, before even playing the game. There simply nothing new to see, except for the pretty graphic design. It's yet another game that feels like a spin-off DLC for Demon's Souls. Slapping in just a basic soulslike mechanism is not enough, it's time for a soulslike games to evolve beyond it. Worst Spiders game yet.

Enjoyed this game very much, but when you realize that every island is basically the same, loot is always the same and every in-game day is exactly the same, it gets impossible to continue playing. To find all bosses you have to explore pretty much every island, and it makes the game way too long. Why do the bosses exist in the first place, and why do I have to find them? It breaks all of the immersion this otherwise realistic game had at the beginning. Lost all interest when reached the endgame.

Some Artifex Mundi games are pretty good, but this was one of the worst I've played. Story is incredibly stupid and puzzles were very simple and just not good.

Highly original first-person shooter that plays more like a tactical turn-based game than traditional FPS. Everything moves only when you move and at the same speed, and your job is to predict enemy movements and take them out one at the time. Most of the time you are surrounded and at great disadvantage. Gameplay is crazy fun, and with more depth could carry a much longer game. It's really more like a tech demo than a fully realized game, and story mode takes about 90 minutes to complete.

It's a fun little puzzle game that borrows much from The Lemmings while also adding some new ideas to the mix. Level of difficulty is mostly perfect, leaving some room for creativity and allows multiple different ways to solve the puzzles. However, the final chapter ramps up difficulty so much that there is only only one possible solution you have to figure out, witch is unfun in this kind of game and always sucks.

Unique and brilliant co-op shooter that has something new to throw at you on every level. Doesn't force you to play co-op, it's easy to complete with ai partner too. Good gameplay, ship upgrades and very good soundtrack.

LittleBigPlanet games are known for their creativity, innovation and create & share mentality, but nothing like that is present in this game. It's just a basic platformer where only new additions are infinite lives and top-down view. Some levels are good, but too many of them felt like a fillers to make the game longer. It doesn't help that advancing in the game requires backtracking & replaying old levels because you need to collect some orbs to unlock new ones. As a LittleBigPlanet fan it saddens me to admit that I was mostly just bored with this game.

It's an extremely slow and boring platformer-shooter with some light puzzle elements. Played it for a couple of hours, was bored to death, and ran in to a gamebreaking bug that made further advancing impossible. No, I was not ready to start all over again. How many stars should I give for a broken, unplayable game?

It's a simple platformer with one-button combat, where, instead of advancing to new levels and finding new enemies, you repeat same few levels and fight same dudes over and over again because it's also a roguelike. It's a roguelike, like too many low budget indie games these days, probably because that's the cheapest way to make a game. I just don't understand the appeal of this kind of product, sorry.

Stupid, very superficial game with awful gameplay. I would much rather have focused on one restaurant in some deeper level, but you have to focus on multiple restaurants at the same time, without really caring about any of them in the end. Designing new soups was fun and the list of incredients was huge, but it's a huge grind to actually unlock them. It gets boring really fast.

This was such a disappointment. I quess there is a reason why games like this usually have some powerups, weapons and such. It's because they would get boring without them. And it doesn't help that any of the tracks in this game are not memorable, they all feel the same, and car handling just can't compete with the likes of Sonic Allstars Racing or even with Disney Speedstorm. Driving just doesn't feel right, It's not fun.

Hexxat strarted flirting with me, and I was just speechless. They added WOKE to the Enhanced Edition! That's exactly how you enhance your game. Woke makes all games so much better! Enjoyed immensely my romance with bloodsucker Hexxat. All this enhanced content made replaying of this classic feel new, fresh, better than ever and was totally worth it. This is so much better than the original! Now i'm ready for BG3.

I love Monster Hunter World, but Iceborne content just wasn't on the same level. New monsters were mostly just a more annoying versions of the old MHW monsters, and the new end game content, the Guiding Lands you are supposed to farm for hundreds of hours, was extremely tiny and poorly designed. When you reach the Grinding Lands you already have the best armor & weapons, so what's the point? Augments only? And Lynian Researcher quests, wtf?