This is Bethesda's greatest achievement with Fallout licence. Sad, I know, but true. One of the very few mobile games worth of your time, even on PS4 & PC.

This game had a fantastic start, but then it was not supported properly thanks to some lawsuits & manbaby fights regarding the intellectual property rights of the franchise. They were not able to make more dlc, so they had no interest to maintain this game any further. I hate live service games.

Some rules make sense in a board game, but not in a video game, even if it's a video game adaptation of a board game. Like, why can't we move in real time, and enter to turn-based gameplay when in combat? Simply moving all characters separately in turn-based mode is a drag, and missions take forever to complete for no reason. Also, why can't my character pass another character in a corridor?

Mark Hamill as a Joker is fantastic, but that doesn't change the fact that Batman is the most boring superhero in the planet. When do we get a Poison Ivy game? Linear structure from Arkham Asylum (much better game) is gone, and replaced with open world busywork. Most of the missions are all about figuring out what gadget to use, and combat is basically all about quick-time events. It's all just boring, bland & uninteresting. One star for Mark Hamill.

In my books, this is true Resident Evil 6 and what they released as Resident Evil 6 is to be erased from history. That game didn't happen. Story is good, and claustrophobic ship & ocean setting is fantastic for a horror game. Jill Valentine in her blue wetsuit is an excellent lead characted. Only complaint I have for this game is that it's a bit too small ship, and running the same corridors back & forth gets a bit tiresome.

Loved everything about this game, except for the traps and elemental puzzles connected to them. More you progress in the game, more traps and trap-puzzles there will be and in the end it's all about traps and puzzles with barely any combat, exploration or story progression. Clearing the traps was just not fun and it became extremely boring and tedious. Was expecting something like Baldur's Gate, but this was definitely not it.

This was extremely fun top-down online multiplayer space shooter with objective-based gameplay. Large selection of upgradeable ships were all unique, had their own weapons and skills and felt all different to play. I quess I was the only person who liked this game, because it was shut down inmediately after launch, and it's now unplayable. It was free from PlayStation Plus, but didn't succeed even for free. Better than Call of Duty.

I agree with most of the people on that this game has undoubtedly one of the worst soundtracks in the history of gaming. Normally, a bad soundtrack is a minor complain, because you can just turn it off, but this game has no audio options or volume sliders at all. Shitty music is so loud you can't hear anything else, and same few songs play again & again. Platforming is miserable and gameplay is just plain boring. I love musou-style games in general, but combat in this game was an awful slog. One star for dialogue & japanese voice acting.

In multiplayer, everybody is Kyle Crane. You are Kyle Crane, and three Kyle Cranes are following you. It makes you crazy, especially because Kyle Crane is an asshole, worst protagonist I have ever seen in a video game. I hate Kyle Crane. When Kyle Crane opens he's mouth, you feen embarrassed and disgusted and in multiplayer it's four times the embarrassment. Worst story & writing ever! They wanted to make Dead Island and failed miserably.

It's a very fun tower defense game. Once you start you can't quit. It's not deep, it's short and a bit too easy, but well worth it.

After more realistic GTA IV, this game went all-in on Mission Impossible and 007. No more drama or heavy subjects, it's all crazy comedy and redneck stupidity now. Even the fantastic driving model from GTA IV was changed to more arcadey, on-rails driving. It has some good side quests through. Biggest disappointment was still the multiplayer mode and RockStar's complete incompetence to do anything with multiplayer.

Didn't expect much after the shitshow that Dragon Age 2 was, but Inquisition turned out to be very good. Open world is filled with typical open-world collectibles & busywork, but not ruined with it. World and the characters are interesting and well written. Pause-based combat system is good, at least on higher difficulties. Map is huge! Maybe not as good as Origins, but close enough.

It suffers heavily from bad writing. Main quest storyline is even more childish and stupid than it was in Fallout 3, but some of the side quests are much better. New Vegas (the city) was a coplete joke, just a few short streets and that's it. At least now you can travel around freely in the empty world, without going through the subway tunnels. It's ok, but nothing like the excellence of Fallout 1 & 2.

Defense Grid: the Awakening was a brilliant tower defense game, but for some reason they were unable to replicate that brilliance to this second installment. Defense Grid 2 is worse than it's predecessor in every way.

We were farming some upgrade materials for months, and then one day when we logged in we got a message saying that all those materials are now worthless pieces of shits, because it has been decided to remove them from the game. Here, take this ultra-legendary, super-exotic unique avatar we send for every player today for free instead! This game made me hate live-service games and from this hate I have never recovered.