After excellent first game this was an extreme disappointment, a game that destroyed the whole franchise. While the first game had an phenomenally curated art direction in music and DJ culture, this game was all about expanding it's audience, make more money and to please everybody. It was all over the place, with no clear direction or identity and ended up drastically shrinking it's playerbase, all the way to extinction.

In retrospect it looks like they made this third-person sci-fi space survival shooter absolutely perfect by accident, because later installments in the series, made with much more money & attention, ended up sucking in comparison. Story here is very good, and that's largely because main character doesn't yet speak and we don't know what moron, whiny jerk asshole he really is. This game is a miracle. Claustrophobic adventure in dark, pitch black space. One of the best games ever made.

It's much better than Diablo 3 for sure. Story driven hack & slash, not deep but deeper than Diablo 3. Unlike Diablo 3, it's not overly long or boring, it's soulful and it has a mission related to undergarments. It was somewhat fun back in the day.

Superb PS3-exclusive tower defense game with absolutely free tower placement that actually makes it possible to be creative with your strategies. Excellent music, sound effects, playability, and difficulty level is spot on. It's possibly the best tower defense on PS3.

It's a kind of game that you enjoy playing, but after few years it's all forgotten sands, and you remember very little about it. It had a lot of good puzzles and a lot of platforming, not so much fighting. It was a much better game than Prince of Persia (2009) was and especially fighting was much better here. Good game, but apparently, like it's name suggests, not so memorable.

Lego Rock Band sounds like it will be another forced licence cash-grab entry, but it was not. This is the most fun of all Rock Band & Guitar Hero games. It was all about having a good time, while mainline entries of these series were all about being dead serious and retaining as much dignity as possible while holding a plastic guitar. Song list in this game was more varied and it actually had a kind of story & progression. Sadly it was also a bit too easy and short-lived.


I was going to buy this game at launch, but then I started seeing Activision ads for it that said "click here to see why Blur is like Call of Duty", and decided not to buy it. I don't want Call of Duty in my racing game, and apparently I was not alone because this game was a huge financial disaster for Activision. Got to play it eventually, and it was just like Call of Duty: dull, unimaginative, generic and unsure of itself. Boring licenced cars were massively out of place in a racing game that had powerups & stuff, and all locations and cars looked pretty much the same. All powerups were exactly the same as in every racing game that has them, and the whole game was just a conservative "better safe than sorry" kart racer for a serious Call of Duty audience. Races were dull and powerups were too effective, leaving not much room for actual racing or skill.

This is actually a copycat version of the old 2D puzzle game called Ugh! (1992). Ugh! was, and still is, an excellent game, but this 3D flying game was awful. It's a clumsy, broken and boring game, where you mainly just fight against it's awful flying mechanism. All of the original game's puzzle elements are gone. Why didn't they just remake Ugh!?

First game was still searching for it's direction, but this game is more fleshed out and everything is bigger & better. Nathan Drake really, really wants to know the truth and he's going to kill thousands of men to get there. Later in the game it's firefights are just too long, enemies keep coming like there's no end, and that boss fight... just why? Puzzles and exploration are the reason I play these games.

This third-person cover shooter only had one clever idea going, and that was the ability to control your bullets in slow-motion. Bullet-control gameplay was fun and raised this game above most other similar games of the time, otherwise it's forgettable and generic.

For reasons I still don't understand this was a highly rated racer. It had some truly awful AI rubber-banding and something called "power play" that was just a fancy name for a quick-time event that happened in the middle of the race. If you succeeded, some kind of explosion happened causing harm to your opponents who were ahead of you again after split/second thanks to rubber-banding. Quick-time events didn't make this game any better, and for a good reason racing games don't have them anymore.


Rubi is one of the most likeable main characters in gaming if you ask me. This grindhouse third person shooter was all about style points, not about execution but execution with style. Art style, excellent soundtrack and hilariously stupid story played together perfectly. Wall running slow-motion action was great fun, but often annoying thanks to camera that was not always able to follow the flow. Sadly, a sequel for this game was cancelled in the middle of the development.

It was beautiful, unique and fun, but did have some infuriating platform sections. Story was forgettable, but it didn't really need one to begin with.

This game had some strenghts, but it always took what's worst in it and forced you to repeat that. It's a piece of shit, I would say. 2,4% of people who played it on PS4 completed it, and it's a game that's about two hours long. That's saying something.

This Katamari clone was extremely understated and didn't really get any attention. Very good gameplay, and although it took a lot from Katamari games it did also have some original ideas and gameplay. Story was forgettable, and it wasn't very long. Sadly you can't buy this anywhere anymore.