Quantic Dream's best work yet succeeds in storytelling but fumbles in gameplay. Unlike in some other Quantic Dream games, story here stays believable all the way to the end and doesn't try too much.

Still the best Dirt game out there, this was packed with content and found a perfect balance between arcade and sim racing. Good gameplay was at the center of attention, it didn't yet go all-in on realism or drifting & Gymkhana. Huge amount of game modes and different event types. I guess you can only go downhill once you reach perfection, and that's what happened to Dirt series after Dirt 2.

First Uncharted game was very good, but shooting sections were almost as long and boring here than they were in Uncharted 2 & 3. You are an one man army, you kill thousands of human beings, and that somehow breaks lot of the immersion these game could otherwise have. But we should be happy for the fact that previously unexplored jungles and mountains are full of guns and ammunition to choose from.

If you pre-ordered this game it came with a code that uncensored female tits at the night club. That's a pre-order bonus you couldn't do today, I think. Game itself was very good. It had a superhero-like Tomb Raider climbing that felt out of place in the context, but otherwise it was a war story that had more realistic take on the subject that usual. It's just sad that this game didn't turn into series of games and was quickly forgotten.

In this game you don't actually Command & Conquer, instead your job is to Support & Serve your co-commander who conquers. I don't understand how they came to conclusion that co-commander is a good and needed feature for this game. Maybe they just wanted to make the game more accessible by minimizing player's role in it, that would be very EA thing to do. I couldn't stand my co-commander and decided to Rage & Quit.

I don't really like this kind of games, but after launching this one I was instantly hooked. It has a same gameplay and moveset that Golden Axe had, so you could throw enemies, bodyslam them, kick, slidekick and hit and of course shoot with weapons. It's basically a Golden Axe shooter platformer. It takes less than two hours to complete, for some reason.

Very good, but also very basic brick breaker game for PS3. With good gameplay, good music and graphics it does everything right, but it's a bit too easy and short. Yes it has 100 levels, but each of them takes about 2-5 minutes to complete, so it's not very much. It's not another Shatter, but it's worth of the asking price and good fun.

Suprised to see so many positive reviews for this game. Didn't know people liked this, I through it was dull and clunky. Racing was slow and boring and all vehicles controlled the same. Powerups & weapons were way too powerful, leaving not much room for actual racing or skill. It tried very hard to have a soul, but it was soulless corporate product with no clear vision. I had high hopes for this, but had to force myself to complete the campaign. Online was no better.

It's a Monster Hunter but with guns, apocalypse and sci-fi. This was most misunderstood and understated game of the time. World was not ready for it, but it would be now that we have understood Monster Hunter. It tried to be too many things instead of focusing on pve gameplay it exceeded in, and story was bit of a badly told mess.

This open world racer was crazy. It's outright broken in places, especially AI and and driving physics, but at the same time it was very fun. It doesn't work, but it it just works. Story campaign was a bit too long and forced you to some heavy grinding, but I endured it. It's a very special game, and the fact that it got released back then when Sony was still very strict about their store is a small miracle.

Very good twin stick shooter in space that didn't go all bullet hell on you, witch was refreshing. It's a slower paced game where you had to rescue people and focus on manoeuvring your ship. It's pretty standard, but better than most.

This 2009 re-release of Outrun was excellent. It's actually a best version of Outrun I have ever played. It's called Outrun Online Arcade, but it was a single player game with ability to play it online. New drifting mechanism perfected Outrun and it was something this game badly needed.

It's still a very good game, you don't even have to remaster it, but I'm still waiting for another release, an excuse to complete it for a fourth time. Game industry needs some Lemmings, right now.

It had some good moments, but mostly it was just awful, clunky platforming with no redeeming qualities.

Very nicely done puzzle game with nice gameplay and animations. It didn't have a multitude of game modes or progression, so it got boring pretty fast. Adventure mode was a bit too difficult.