Turn-based batle system is good and this game looks good, but storytelling is awful and many of the characters are annoying. I like the fact that it's mostly linear and it's not overly long, but at the end of the game there was too much pointless xp grinding.

It's Skate 2 but better and bigger in every regard. The best Skate game out there. It's more accessible for casual gamers like me than Skate 2 was, witch was all I hoped Skate 2 sequel would be. Excellent soundtrack and gameplay was just plain fun.

This was the best Motorstorm game ever, and also the best top-down racing game on PS3. Actually, it's better than any other racing game on PS3. Gameplay is perfect and tracks are fantastic. Only negative thing that can be said about this game is that there should be more of it, it's too short.

Surprised to see such a low score for Dead Island. This game is everything Dying Light wanted to be, but failed. Beach-setting was unique, and there actually was some kind of story going on that was almost believable. Characters didn't make you feel embarrassed every time they opened their mouths, and every character had unique skill trees and abilities. Guns sucked, but why would you use them?

When this game was released people kept repeating the mantra "every game is fun with a friend" and if a game didn't have multiplayer it was given bad reviews. EA learned their lesson and realized that they don't actually have to do a story of anything, just give two people guns and they'll have their fun, because every game is fun with a friend, right? This game has absolutely nothing going on, it's just an army of two with guns and covers.

This game was barely noticed when it was released, propably because it was all linear RPG at the time when linearity was seen as something deeply uncool & regressive. Hack & slash gameplay was excellent. Story was good and you were able to change it's outcomes with dialogue choices. Character classes were different enough to offer a good amount of replay value.

After excellent Dirt 2 they decided to go all-in on gymkhana and drifting and everything cool, while rally racing was left on the background. Dirt 3 has a deep identity crisis as it tries hard sell european rally racing for USA-audience, without having much success.

InFamous 2 is better and begger than the first game in every way, but not much has changed. Good/bad morality system that forces you to only make only good or bad choices is still here, preventing players from making actual, impactful choices. There is no room for neutrality either. It's still a good game.

Poop, farting, diarrhea and underpants were cool, trendy and fun back then when this game was first released in 2011. Now that all that stuff is not so fun anymore, what's left when you take away the humour, is extremely simplified top-down shooter with barely passable, although very repetitive gameplay. Nothing really to see here, as there are so many better games in the genre nowdays.

Completely predictable, boring story with bad writing and uninteresting characters.

I have played many tennis games over the years, but this has been the best of them all. Gameplay has found a perfect balance between arcade & sim, and campaign mode is very good. Would recommend this game over all the never tennis games for sure.

Absolutely loved the setting, characters, music and story for the first half of the game, but then it all went downhill, gameplay and story especially. You had to sit in the bush and stare at NPC movement patterns, while story went to some ridiculous mumbo-jumbo shit, and then came the boss fights... Just why? All that fantastic character growth and developement was for nothing in the end, and it all just made me sad. Stopped caring about anything two chapters before end and called it a quit.

You play few matches, and after that your hands hurt and you have to quit. You come back after few days, and notice that you can't remember most of the moves because you played so little before tiring out. Again, you play few matches, but not enough to actually learn anything before tiring out. This loop continues, and you are getting nowhere. It's a very, very good game if you are already a pro-boxer. Also, boxing with move controllers is cool and hardcore, because Danny Trejo says so.

This was originally a mobile game, and it was eight years old when it was released for PS3 as a PlayStation Move game. It was a perfect game for PlayStation Move controller. Gameplay was excellent and Move controls were fast and accurate.

There we all kinds of workout games on PS3 at the time, and this one was the best. It ditched Playstation Move controller entirely, and instead relied on it's own sensors you had to wear on your leg & arm. Selection of different moves & workouts this game had was very good, and about 95% of them actually managed to track your movements accurately. I did my workouts with this for a long time, and it's sad that so few people did the same and this was the last game in the series.