better at mario genre than mario is

there is literally no better jrpg. sorry! I've played every single one so i know best.

its fun, not as good as the base game though. didnt really understand what the fuck was going on at the end.

where other zeldas go left or right, this game goes up, literally. adding a jump to the 2D zelda formula has gotta be one of the best ideas in this entire game. it adds such a degree of freedom and true openess to the world and it's puzzles, i'm so shocked by how much i enjoyed that aspect. now i will forever dream of a zelda game that really really leans into this game's 2D/3D platformer aspects.

the story to this one really sneaks up on you w

the dungeon design in this one is impeccable (apart from level 7 which sucked dick). the biggest flaw with this game easily comes when trying to go from one dungeon to the next. I flat out refused to believe any human has ever beaten this game without a guide. perhaps, if the worlds greatest scholars collaborated on it over a few years, they could get it done. whilst the puzzles involving the overworld are mostly horseshit, the world itself is so charming and colourful, with weirdo mario characters and an art style that puts this among the switch's best looking games. the characters and muisc are so great, you almost forget about how the next thing you had to do in the main quest was find the secret fisherman under the bridge in a part of a non-optional 30-step fetch quest. And the story, which is intertwined with this love for the world, really sneaks up on you with what is probably the strongest ending in any zelda game, and a message that really sticks with you.

an excellent zelda game, held back by some old game bullshit, but a lot less old game bullshit than every other zelda game.

literally my first ever videogame. there is an alternate universe where this game never existed and I did not know what kingdom hearts was. god damn it.

biggest gripe with this game is easily the combat, god it is so fucking ass. so sloppy with enemy attacks that cancel yours, only one of the styles is good for each character, and it's just not that fun. sometimes it's pretty good, like in boss fights or rooms with lots of items, but I never found myself looking forward to a combat encounter.

but the reason you play this game is the world you get to explore, and the story. both of which are pretty great.

the story has its lows and a lot of forced dialogue with little to no value. but the highs (especially the last chapters) are really engaging, nothing that thought provoking just fun with kick-ass action. also I struggled with remembering which name was which so I think they should call everyone Kevin or Mike in the next one.

the world is the real star of the show, filled with fun little minigames with way too much depth, and the perfect blend of realism and videogameness in terms of its systems. the real star of the show is the side quests though. I think this is the funniest game I've ever played. some of these are just so fucking genius. whenever you see a side quest you always want to see it through because you know it will be amazing, and that is so fucking sick.

3D world is fun, but definitely on the low end of 3D Mario, which is like saying a billion dollars isn't quite a trillion dollars, but still. Bowsers Fury is some awesome ass shit though

Finally 100%'d this game, gotta up it to the coveted Dan May 5 Stars. Mario has been the fucking king of video games for 30 years and this is easily one of his best games. What a masterpiece.

very good graphics and environment design, everything else is fine, not bad, but not amazing. fun to play through but definitely trailed off when they started trying to make me care about the story.

bad and expensive mario kart but you can be pac man

litmus test for if you know what fun is

a bit messy, but when it's good, its pretty good. also the soundtrack is officially nutso.

this game was fun but im not giving a doritos product placement game any higher than half a star go fuck youself

gameplay is fun, and an improvement over the original. they really wasted the potential to have a memorable and tragic story here. whilst the alternative they chose is fun enough, it could be a lot lot better. performance on this one is miserable too. runs at like sub 15 sometimes and at most 30fps on occasion as long as you have sacrificed your first born child beforehand. The fact this is one of the worst performing games I've ever played really really holds back this one.

very pretty but has helped me discover single player Tetris gets boring