Game #61: Moonlighter

As for the general gaming loop, this was the most engaging roguelite for me. Story is kinda meh but it's clearly not the main focus. I really had fun with this one.


Game #62: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Like every other Ace Attorney games, this one has intriguing mysteries, fun trials but it wasn't really memorable unlike T&T, AAI2 or PW:AA. Still a great game but the bar is already set too high.


Game #63: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

I am not really fond of the first Hotline Miami but nevertheless I played the sequel. Welp, I think HM2 is better than it's predecessor but still not for me.


Game #64: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

After getting bored from Valorant I hoped that CS could take up the empty "competitive" game spot. Unfortunately I got bored pretty quickly from it. I like Valorant far more but maps are so much better in CS.


Game #65: Among Us

Putting the memes aside, I think it's a pretty fun game that interpreted werewolf games with their own way. It can be unbearable with randoms so keep that in mind.


Game #66: Celeste

As I said in my Ori and the Blind Forest review, I'm not a guy who likes platformers. They get pretty boring for me after 3 hours and that's what happened with Celeste too. Still a quality game tho.


Game #67: Corpse Factory

We read boring monologues of bunch of characters that have idiotic ambitions. It's been a while that I played a really bad game and Corpse Factory just filled that space.


Game #68: Core Keeper

As a person who got bored pretty quickly from Terraria and Minecraft, I wanted to give Core Keeper a chance. Well, even though it's still in early access CK is a good game. But nevertheless I still got bored from it quickly.


Game #69: Shadow Warrior

If there was a rating between 7-8, I definitely would give it to Shadow Warrior. Gunplay is meh but using the katana is really fun. If this game was shorter or had more gun/sword upgrade options, it would have been a masterpiece.


Game #70: Genital Jousting

I wanted to play something that can be completed in a hour or two. So I played Genital Jousting and it was certainly... unique. If you won't play this, you won't miss much. But I'm just glad a game has been wiped from my steam backlog.


Game #71: Grand Theft Auto V

Finally! GTA V becomes the first west game that gets 4.5-5 stars from me. I loved gunfights, its open world and driving mechanics. After completing GTA V, I can say I understand why this game was on 3 different console generations.


Game #72: Zero Escape: 999

Top-tier writing just as expected from Uchikoshi. Gameplay wise it got a bit boring for me but the story is brilliant so it makes it up for me. Definitely a great game that you should try.


Game #73: Assassin's Creed Origins

This one's pretty mid. Only thing I found really good in this game is its open world. They made a great reimagination of Egypt but apart from that mandatory side quests, uninteresting story and meh combat made me grow weary of Origins.


Game #74: Superhot

A short and really unique first person shooter. There is no music, only gunshots and glass shattering. I liked Superhot but not enough to keep playing more. If you're not like me, be sure to check Mind Control Delete.


Game #75: Wizard of Legend

I'm not a huge fan of roguelikes so if this game lasted even a bit longer I could've just quit. But nevertheless it has really fun and tight combat mechanics that I have to give credit.
