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FallenGrace commented on MegaTheRealOne's list Backloggd's Hall of Shame
Lunar Dragon Song.

First game in the series I played after being interested for years to be greeted by a game that drains your HP as you run. Requires speed challenges in dungeons to open any chests and makes you choose between money or exp after each fight.

It's like an experimental prototype full of things no one had done before. And with good reason, it's a painful mess to play and still makes me angry thinking about it.

15 mins ago

48 mins ago

48 mins ago

PKD2 commented on kevin_anderson's list games with my favorite osts
the reason why i confused GAA with AAL is because they are of similar quality: mediocre. in my eyes, mediocre games are almost impossible to distinguish from one another; i only see peak. and no, i don’t use white bread for breakfast. and now you are out here posting NON VIDEO GAME SONGS like get OUT of here, i only need to post one song to match the one actual song you posted, here you go:

51 mins ago

Hresvelg finished Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Parkour in video games will never not be incredibly fun.

It's disappointing that only the Uncharted and Tomb Raider reboot series offer such a rich blend of action-adventure and platforming elements, as they are such a joy to play. As a kid, I loved jumping straight into a game and being greeted with immediate, thrilling gameplay—no bloated opening cutscenes or overlong tutorials. While I do enjoy cinematic games that tend to prioritize graphics more than anything else, it's also nice just to dive into the spectacle of pure gameplay. The Uncharted series nails this with its exciting parkour mechanics that keep you constantly hooked on the screen.

I'm so happy they took everything from Uncharted 2, one of the best in the series, and enhanced it in every conceivable way, delivering yet another action-packed, over-the-top experience. The visuals and environments are stunning, and you can truly feel the passion Naughty Dog poured into this game.

While the story and characters in Uncharted 4 are phenomenal, the combat falls a little bit short. The gunplay never felt better, and it's fun to shoot enemies, but at certain points, it started to feel more like a chore rather than something I was actively excited about, mainly because it became a bit too repetitive. Luckily, the platforming and traversal make up the vast majority of the game.

At its core, Uncharted 4 offers a perfect conclusion to the Nathan Drake adventures, delivering entertaining gameplay that is truly the spectacle of the game and proves that cinematic games can be more than just good graphics. This nearly 10-year-old AAA game is more enjoyable than many cinematic €70-80 games that forget to prioritize fun nowadays.

So no shade to The Last of Us, but I hope Naughty Dog's next game—hopefully not another remaster or remake—will actually have fun gameplay again.

54 mins ago

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