So, you want to get into Suda51's work?

My recommended play order for Suda51's interconnected KILL THE PAST series, aswell as adjacent games and supplementary novels/manga.

Note: Suda51 had very little input in the Twilight Syndrome games.

Both Twilight syndrome games are hard to get into due to to the lack of translation. Luckily it is not required to get the gist of later games, but for those versed enough in japanese, its probably worth starting here.

Alternatively, there is a youtube translation availible, but I dont know how credible it is.
Similar to Tansaku-hen, there is a Youtube translation.
This one was actually Directed by Suda.

A lot of fan-translation projects have come and gone for this one according to my research. Sadly there still isn't one available yet. For now, The Silver Case is still the best starting point.

There is a Translation on Youtube for this aswell.
A collection of The Silver Case and The 25th Ward for Switch and PS4
Don't forget to start with a Transmitter chapter, followed by a Placebo chapter, then Transmitter again, etc.

There is also a Light novel called Case 4.5: Face (it, surprisingly enough, takes place between case 4 and 5), which you can read here

Theres also pre-lunatics, which takes place before... lunatics if you couldn't guess. Very short manga you can get done in 5 minutes. Ive got a download link if you want to check it out. But if you want to get it legit, its available as a dlc for The Silver Case on Steam, paired with the soundtrack and artbook.
Untranslated at the time of writing. If only there was a port for this game on some dual-screen handheld device...
FSR and FSR:Murder and Mystery in Paradise are the same game. This is the ds port, with some additional content, new music and other slight changes. Among those slight changes is it being actually playable in English.

If you'll allow me to indulge a little bit here, I highly recommend playing a chapter every morning if you can. It's very much a 'morning' game.
This game released with about 1/3rd of the content Suda had originally planned. Here is to hoping for a Killer7 Director's Cut one day.
Similar to The Silver Case, you should be playing it in a wierd order.
Start with Correctness 0, then Placebo 0, Then Correctness 1, Matchmaker 1, Placebo 1. Cycle like that from there
If you can play NMH1&2 on the Wii, I highly recommend you do so. Their usage of the Wii's control scheme is one of the best on the platform.
We don't even know if Suda wrote this one and the writing is a bit inconsistent when compared to NMH1, but it is canon and should not be skipped.

Gameplay fun tho.
Here as a stand in for 2 manga that should not be skipped:

Kurayami Dance

Red, Blue and Green

There is a fangame on the above site too which you might as well check out, but I urge you to read the original work first. There are a lot of cool details you will miss otherwise.
Not part of the overarching narrative, but is referenced in Travis Strikes Again. Can be skipped.

Little note about this game: the original idea behind this game was a psychological horror game called 'Kurayami'. Suda was not able to create the game he originally envisioned due to John Riccitiello (former CEO of EA)'s meddling. Some of the idea's present in 'Kurayami' were later reworked into 'Kurayami Dance'.

Suda grew a grudge against Riccitiello, something to keep in mind moving forward.
Not part of the overarching narrative, but is referenced in Travis Strikes Again. Can be skipped.
Infinity War but for pretentious losers who like crime thriller VNs from 1999.
I mostly included this as a joke, since DR2 might as well be a huge KTP fangame. I think it is worth playing or replaying with new context if you end up a fan of the KTP series.

(you should probably play Trigger Happy Havoc first though.)


4 months ago

where Lollipop Chainsaw?

4 months ago

@E10WasHere Lollipop Chainsaw has very little to do story wise, and thematically with the games on this list, as it is not part of the Kill The Past series. Its a different game by Grasshopper during the time they were seen as "the quirky AA Japanese studio." A sentiment that sadly still lingers for a lot of people which overshadows and does not do Suda51's writing/directing talents justice. It is also frankly a game I have no interest in, and would not recommend to people who want to get into Suda's work. It's a game Id recommend for someone looking for a solid action title, which Isn't what this list is for.

4 months ago

I hope this doesnt come across as me being too salty or anything, but those are the reasons for its non-inclusion. Shadows of the Damned and Killer is Dead are also not really a part of the series, but referenced heavily in TSA. Which is why they did make the cut in the creation of this little guide.

4 months ago

@ThatMagicalMage The setting is inspired by FSR, interacting with things is similar to TSC's square hud elements, and there is straight up a chapter about "twilight syndrome murder case" among others. Ending is also similar to that of TSC. Could be interesting to give it another go from that POV, who knows.

4 months ago

i get you :thumbs up

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