After playing SR 1 and some of 2, I went into SR3 with a little higher expectations and they were met. Similar to how SR2 is a refinement of 1, 3 is a refinement of 2. And the remaster can be so pretty sometimes. Game feels great, multiplayer is fun but jank sometimes. Highly recommend SR3 if you are even a little interested in the series. My only gripe is that you do not spend much time with Johnny in the beginning so new people may not understand why his death is so big. And if you have played the previous games, there's tons of references and dialogue. Such a good game with so much life in it.

SR2 is really really good. It feels like a refined Saints Row 1 in all the best ways. The guns feel better, a lot of the mechanics are improved, and most of what made SR1 so good is here too and better. The humor in SR2 is top notch and all the music available hits the nostalgia points with things from MCR to P!atD and other hits from the time. The world has so much more to do and so many ways to customize a lot more things, it's incredible.

However, the PC port is horrible and barely playable.

Let me start off by saying that I tried every patch known to man to get this horrible piece of software to not crash constantly. You name it I've applied it. Not to mention how horribly optimized it is, which is something I am willing to overlook. Game runs like garbage, has tons of animation bugs, and crashes so often that it's sometimes hard to even finish a mission without it crashing and needing to constantly restart. I got to a point where you had to wheel a certain main character out of a hospital, just for the game to crash at the end and I had to redo the last two missions. That was where I lost any motivation to keep playing and instead looked up the ending cutscenes for each gang as well as the final ending. That is why I am abandoning it.

This game is actually really clever and presents you a light hearted silly visual novel about being a human in an all bird highschool, and romancing them. The humor is fantastic and witty at times and just the right amount of nonsense to make you laugh. All of the melodrama is very good.

However, once you get all of the endings you unlock the true ending. In the true ending, you pull back the curtain on some really dark and messed up stuff that you may have pieced together throughout all the other endings. You will cry. I did.

Emulated with Xenia
I honestly expected worse going into this one. Turned out, it's actually pretty okay parody of GTA that tried to do it's own thing as well, and I'd say they succeeded

I had some big problems with it though. But none of them are a deal breaker for me. The first of which are some of the janky systems such as having to buy the gun again to get more ammo for it if you really wanted to have a specific gun, or the fact that vehicles needed to be repaired which wouldn't be a problem if you could just do it in your garage with vehicles that aren't fully broken. The lack of a check-mark on some of the activities to indicate completion also sucked. Also the lack of mission checkpoints made some missions an absolute chore.

As for the story, there's not much substance. There are some golden one liners though, and the comedy in the game is really goods overall. I don't appreciate how they treat women though, but it is a product of it's time so I can't be too hard on it there. I appreciate the silent protagonist, and some of the times when they spoke occasionally really kinda didn't feel right. Although the "hepatitis" line was really good so all is forgiven. I'm not gonna fault you for not being able to choose gender but it would have been nice to play as a girl cause you know, I am one.

For sure gonna play RS2.

Words cannot express how much I love this game and the world created by Mike Pondsmith. Just go play it. Cyberpunk 2077 and the surrounding media such as the comics and the Edgerunners anime has made me feel so many things and it may be one of my favorite games ever. Just go play it. Go watch Edgerunners after. Go read the comics. Go read Firestorm. It's a world worth exploring.

Honestly, so much better than I remember. I just wish it had more time in the oven.


I did not expect this game to be as good as it turned out to be. The platforming was never too hard aside from one or two jumps, and the game is breathtaking. When you clear the 5th chapter, it all hits your feels like a brick. A very memorable experience. Up there with "Journey" and "Unpacking".

A very funny and very good game. I was not expecting to have as much fun as I did with this. How is this free? It had me smiling the whole time.(My face kinda hurts lol)

Such a good game(played with guitar). I don't need to explain this game. The song selection is pretty good. There were some certified bops.

Fuck Barracuda. That song sucks so much.

I was playing this game for a while after installing Tfix because the game WOULD NOT work. The game had a completely black screen when starting the tutorial or any chapter and Tfix solved the issue. That worked for a while and I was having a fine but frustrating time with the gameplay, but then after a few days I came back to it and it just doesn't work when I load a save anymore. I'm abandoning this game. Hopefully the second game actually works. So glad I got this for like $1.

This game may just be one of my favorite games of all time. It's a love letter to the 3D Mario titles such as 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. The humor is top notch and there's just the right amount of collectables to look for. 10/10 speedrunning and modding support.
My only gripe is you can't rebind controls for some reason at the time of writing this.

It's Tetris. With Physics. If you like Tetris, play this. But also play it with a friend who also likes Tetris. Support indy devs!