fun mario game especially in multiplayer and imo is a very overhated game to the general fanbase. Id suggest giving it a try with a few friends and it will be a blast.

extremely overhated pokemon game. Though it didnt have the national dex most people playing are not porting their old pokemon off of their 3ds. The games did have a bad story, weird online, and meh animations. It was still a good pokemon game at its core with the wild areas being very good design wise and with small things like accessing the box from anywhere or fast travel from anywhere makes this never feel like a drag to play

Extremely fun and interesting scenery with a bleak aesthetic around all the areas that you traverse through and the existential crisis that this game makes you go through hits really deep and has really fun combat

Fun nice old platformer being much better than the predecessors but its not a necessary game to go back to and you dont miss much if youve played the newer mario games

BEST MARIO GAME TO EVER DO IT 💯💯⁉️⁉️⁉️ amazing levels, bosses, soundtrack, overall the game is just so extremely fun and charming easily the best nintendo game to ever come out

One of the best games of all time. It has great areas, bosses, visuals, npcs, lore, etc. just an amazing game all around with an overhated second half that isnt even that bad

was one of the pioneers of gaming in the west and allowed for nintendo to flourish as a company leading to even better mario games in the future but this one is just average and you wont miss out on much if you dont revisit it

One of the best indie games ive ever played, loved niko and the npcs you meet along the way, really cool puzzles that involve things outside the game, And the ending broke me. Definitely give it a shot

Best sandox game and is leagues better than any of its competition. Terraria gets constant updates with games worth of new content and the bosses are just chefs kiss, the soundtrack is nice and 8bit, its fun to explore and find things every time you go down . The game is so fun and easily deserves a 10/10 if not for small minor complaints such as a couple stupidly difficult achievements and the game doesnt tell you anything if you are a beginner and guides will be necessary

Best racing game but thats not much of competition. The racing is so smooth, the tracklist is unmatched in mario kart history, the soundtrack is a bop, character list was meh prior to the dlc, and this is the best mariokart to play multiplayer on

Extremely fun game and its a thrill to swing around NY and being able to play as both characters is fun with so many customizable styles but the game does feel like a drag sometimes with the mary jane stealth parts and the combat doesn’t have the best flow but is still enjoyable

the 2nd best DMC to date, Dmc 3 was a masterclass of a game and still very much holds up today. Dantes humor and over the top actions in the game are hilarious and his and vergils rivalry is perfectly executed in this game. Very interesting areas and bossfights alongside the weapons you can get make this a game that you really shouldnt skip out on... Jackpot

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Best puzzle game oat, valve innovated on the original portal gameplay and made it so much better, new mechanics added make every chamber a blast, the story is so cool and the plot twist of wheatley being evil and having one of the best video game villains be a potato and have them help you at the end was hilarious

Gets repetitive if played too often and the amount of minigames was staggeringly small at the beginning of the games life

Amazing mecha game. It is damn near perfection anyone reading PLEASE give it a shot and you wont be dissapointed