Least favorite parts of some of my favorite games

Normal playthroughs are a little too long for scoring purposes, and the difficulty curve is really weird.
Lost Izalith.
Omega is far too easy as a final boss.
Just like Hellsinker, normal playthroughs are a little too long for scoring or even 1cc attempts.
The soundtrack isn't as good as S&P1's.
Guts + Auto Item breaks the game in two, and PWS animations really need a skip button.
The box puzzles suuuuuck.
BP requirements for recruiting certain characters are annoying, especially since it's a hidden value.
The story left a lot to be desired, compared to other Matsuno games.
Getting materials and runes from breaking certain enemy parts practically requires a guide.
The game is far too easy if you don't play for score.
Build variety can feel a bit lacking compared to other games in the genre.
The translation sucks.
I don't think there's nearly enough unique content to justify 7 playthroughs.


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