ONLY on Xbox 360, exclusive games and definitive ports

Note: I am counting enhanced ports as exclusives, as well as games that are also on arcades but not other platforms, and games that were exclusive for a decade or longer before being ported

Try these games with xenia_canary to play them on PC
If you haven't used the emulator in a while it's way better than you remember, most of these games run perfectly
Great on Steam Deck too!

Missing from IGDB:
Avaglide (XBLIG)
Battlezone (2008)
Coffeetime Crosswords (XBLIG)
Guarding (XBLIG)
Honor in Vengeance II (XBLIG)
Lost Cities
Saints' Row Money Shot (unreleased)
Snops Attack! Zombie Defense (XBLIG)

Only on 360 and PS3, but PS3 version has porting issues making 360 the clear winner
was ported to other platforms in 2016, but I was insanely jealous of 360-owning kids back when this game came out and for years after so it deserves to be on this list
only "next-gen" version, PC is last-gen
"next-gen" version
get the 60fps patch for Xenia it's great


only hi-res version, PSP and DS are low-res, also superceded by its improved sequel N++
New redrawn graphics
tested and working on Steam Deck
next-gen version


armies of more than one MILLION troops
one MILLION troops
tested and working on Steam Deck
also slightly demade for Vita
PS3 version has busted performance (but not for ZOE2 after the patch), PS2 is 4:3 and standard definition, making 360 win by default for ZOE1
next-gen version
shadows broken on PS3 version


1 year ago

GOD tier list, thank you for it, love 360

1 year ago

Thanks! I never had a 360 growing up, I was a PS3 teenager, so I'm playing catch-up lol

1 year ago

Inspired by your list, I made mine only about the original xbox. If you're interested in OG games check it out.

8 months ago

List is missing ilomilo, apparently it got a PC port that is sadly stuck in Windows 8 hell.

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