play this game - mute the music - put either nfsu2 or nfs carbon music on instead....instantly makes this 40x better - you're welcome


first underwater level that doesnt hydrosuck
music is absolutely gorgeous


Game runs like molasses + meat pie on ps4 and had me always saying "is that an alien or a elmers glue tumbleweed?!!"

Premise/gameplay is cool so if I played this on a pc or whatever id guess id rate it high

me and my stepdad used to beat the shit out of the refs and be in tears

Shotgun, Bundy, Dance Dance, Red Flag

"im basically neil peart in this game, let me play drums" *probably everyone

I bought this used at Jumbo Video and they sold it so scratched up that it would skip on "Beast & The Harlot"......angered I brought it back to Jumbo Video....only to find out all sales are final....
Then I fell for their disc repair/cleaning scam which I think was just a NASA looking machine that rubbed banana peels on the discs inside it.

used to play this and listen to the strokes


I know what you're thinking...
Yes MCR was on the OST

u could swap between black suit and regular spiderman with the press of a button.....take that NASA!

this was the game for me where i said "it can't look more realistic than this"