honestly feels weird to play a game thats fun and of reasonable length...

this game is unintentionally hilarious


Game runs like molasses + meat pie on ps4 and had me always saying "is that an alien or a elmers glue tumbleweed?!!"

Premise/gameplay is cool so if I played this on a pc or whatever id guess id rate it high

Conner + hank sex scene if u 100%

picture this....
world hunger ends, war is over, no more racism, all diseases cured, groceries are affordable, rent isn't 80% of peoples income, twitter is a good platform...
Sounds lovely right?

That is what could've been if open world games didn't exist.

If they got rid of 65% of this game and focused more on the combat elements, storyline, animating cutscenes, not copy/pasting sound effects from rdr2 etc it could've been good

this is essentially just slightly better uncharted 1

uptown funk is in this.....why would u pick this game over the 30 other platformers that are the exact same but with original music

theres so much unnecessary bs in this game, they should've taken all that out and replaced the AI written storyline with something with heart...

it looks good tho


first underwater level that doesnt hydrosuck
music is absolutely gorgeous


game runs like piss from a cock but music is very relaxin or hard af and characters are funny/memorable

play this game - mute the music - put either nfsu2 or nfs carbon music on instead....instantly makes this 40x better - you're welcome

Shotgun, Bundy, Dance Dance, Red Flag

am i bad at this game? yes
was it fun? no
was it not fun because i was bad at this game? probably yes
will i change my rating? no

windows 98 was overheating runnin this bitch