This is a torture device Capcom made to bore me to death. Such an underwhelming sequel to a game I loved dearly. Hope the third game can really deliver. Everything was so painfully dull and braindead. Some good things are sprinkled here and there but not enough to stop it from being a boring game. Lucia is cool though I love her

This game was a decade in the making. The myth that us Pikmin fans never thought would be possible to ever see the light of day. But here it finally is. It's a thing that actually has released. After 55 hours to 100% every little thing this game had to offer, I am completely in awe at how peak this game is. It was worth the wait. It is literally a love letter to the series by taking so many elements from the games (yes even hey pikmin) and fused them together to create one of the most fun experiences I've ever had. And that's not to say also all the new stuff introduced ontop of all of that. It's just so much more to take in than any of the previous games combined. As someone that has pikmin as my favorite series ever and Pikmin 2 as my favorite of the bunch, I feel as if this game was made just for me.

Sure I have very small gripes here and there but they are nothing compared to the mountain of content this game has to offer you. I'm having a hard time deciding if it's now my new favorite game of all time but it's definitely a candidate now. I'm so happy to have finally played Pikmin 4 and hope that it won't take another decade for 5 lol

It took me four times to finally realize just how wonderful this game truly is. The first three times I beat it was on the switch port and I did think it was amazing but not masterful but I finally gave the wii u version a try and reeeeally took my time with it. And yeah it's peak like the rest but still my least favorite. Challenge modes were where the main fun and challenge for me was more than the main story itself


Amazing proof of concept that reminded me of why I adore 3d platformers

Yet another amazing Kirby game. Kirby never misses. But as a person that adores sweets this made me crave some way too much it's a pain lol. Really fun time with a delicious aesthetic. Movement felt a bit off though

It's basically the first game but with very slightly better levels and improvements. Both are short but a chill and fun time

I had never played the first one, I got on the second game. Then third since day 1. And I absolutely adore those. Probably some of my favorite shooters of all time. Finally giving this game a try it still is Splatoon and I love it. But it is missing plenty of features, modes and such that later instalments have. My favorite mode is Salmon Run so that definitely affected my thoughts of this game. Still, there are plenty of stages, weapons, specials, modes and such, exclusive to the first game and that makes it unique and cool to this day. The best way I can describe this game is a unique but unpolished project. An amazing shooter that makes owning my Wii U all the more enjoyable.

Probably one of my favorite beat-em ups I've ever played. The concept, characters and enemies are some of the most unique I've seen. It's all baseball related. And when its not it has sentient everyday objects fighting you with very cartoony animations and expressive gameplay. The combat is fun between the 4 characters and the enemy designs are to die for. The music is catchy as well. It was a blast and It's very reminiscent of stuff like TMNT and Final Fight. I want more out of left field (heh) and unique games like this today. Extremely charming beat-em up.

An improvement over the first game. The action is more hectic, the sprite work is far better and the powerups are fun to use. The vehicles and tools you can mount are also so robust and added so much flare to the gameplay. The pixel work, designs and animation are also on another level compared to the first. The bosses are stellar and the level designs are on point. I also like the ranking system at the end of each level. This is a game that is on par with the quality of Metal Slug games in my opinion it rocks that much. Wish they had kept making more of these

Feels like a budget combination of Contra and Metal Slug. Lots of hectic side scrolling shooting action but the level transitions and final level felt a bit awkward

Feels like a budget Metal Slug that lacks a bunch of the mechanics. Still has nice sprite work and animation. And the bosses are cool.

One of the greatest 2d platformers and indie games of all time to this day. Its tight and difficult gameplay is so addictive. Finding the way to beat the challenging levels over constant deaths never felt so satisfying. The soundtrack also keeps me pretty hype. The game is uber charming and I love the artstyle and aesthetic. The way each and every level is so intricately designed still amazes me to this day. Also the replay that shows you all your runs of the level makes me feel more satisfied that I finally beat the level. The satisfaction I get from playing this game is almost second to none. This is probably my favorite between this and Isaac but both are masterpieces in their own ways. I'll say I still probably slightly prefer Mario 3 but this comes close to best platformers ever.

Really great game. I feel like it's a bit of an improvement over Zelda 1 in terms of gameplay and mechanics. The power ups and items are fun to use and discover. The castle levels are fun to navigate and I adore the soundtrack. Game still does lack in level variety (until the last level) and the game can be pretty cheap with enemy placement and some of the enemy patterns. Final boss oddly felt too easy in comparison to the fourth boss, which was really irritating. Some of the items feel a bit useless too (like the invincibility helmet). The exploration also lacked a bit which I'll admit Zelda 1 did a bit better, due to its "open-world" layout. This game was more straightforward with a few dead end paths. I feel like if a new game were ever made they should definitely expand upon the level design and exploration as it would do it wonders. Zelda 2 still excels in this regard. The saving feature and not having to start over are also a godsends lol. This was my first Famicom Disk System game that actually really wow'ed me. Really cool and novel game and a great part of Nintendo's history. 8.5/10

This is for the demo on steam. I loved it lol. Cant wait for the full thing

I know some think it's weird and clunky compared to the NES one but I honestly think it's a bit of an improvement over the original, which is already a masterpiece in my eyes. The boxers are all so unique, the gameplay felt more interesting in the strategies you needed to use to win the opponents. The special meter is an improvement. The soundtrack is also nice and the game looks very nice. Idk I think it rocks. But I'll admit the original NES one will always be the most iconic