777 reviews liked by PapaJaeger

I played this for about an hour and a half last night, eyes glazed over, podcast in the background, up way too late, feeling nothing. I understand iPad babies, I get the hype. This is not a good game, but it brings a kind of sweet numbness that I can fall into. A void of nothingness to placate my mind. No more thoughts bearing down on me. It all leads to, just like The Elder Scrolls


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More peak Crossbell. Trails to Azure is the sequel to the highly regarded Trails from Zero (I'm the one highly regarding it). More characters, more banger music, more locations, more lore, more enemies, more everything! Although not personally one of my favourites, it probably lies in the middle of Trails games for me, and now let's start with the story.

To put it simply, this game has the highest of highs, but the lowest of lows. Let's start with the highs. I think the raid on Crossbell city just represents how contested and corrupt Crossbell truly is, and the fact that the IBC building gets completely obliterated shows exactly this. The turf war between the Red Constellation and Heiyue is great. I think Azure end-game is really strong, and I love how we had the cavalry dealing with the aions in the Liberl crew, Kevin and Ries, it just was the cherry on top for the Liberl arc. The West Zemuria Trade Conference was also great, showing the brutality of Giliath Osborne in response to terrorists. The first dungeon is cool, having a party of Lloyd, Noel, Dudley, and Arios, and then shortly after gaining Elie and Wazy. It was slightly annoying that two of the fan favourites from Zero were locked till the ends of Chapters 1 and 2, but it made the SSS reunion even more great. However, this game has certain things that really kill the payoff at the end. Ian Grimwood being the surprise 'villain' was okay, it seemed random but I was so sure that it would have a good pay-off. Turns out Lloyd's speech was able to quickly get him to defect.. Are you kidding me? That made no sense and it just really kills the finale for me. They honestly should've just honed in on Mariabelle being the main antagonist of the game, but nope. Honestly, other than that moment, I don't think there were any other misses in Azure that completely come to mind. Maybe KeA being manipulated by Mariabelle, but it makes sense considering she's essentially a child.

Now the characters, I loved the development Randy got during the raid on Mainz, probably sky-rocketed to one of my favourites. Finding Olivier in the Downtown District during the West Zemuria Trade Conference was great, and I loved how Kloe, Olivier, and the SSS got to talk aboard the Arseille, it reminded me of SC. Noel and Wazy were great additions to the SSS, and Lloyd telling Noel that she's his was probably peak Lloyd banter and being blissfully unaware of what was coming out of his mouth. Probably unpopular opinion, but I probably love Lloyd as much as I love Estelle, maybe even a little more? I can't exactly put my finger on it but I think he's exactly the leader that the SSS needs, calm-headed but also tough when he needs to be. Elie still seems pretty meh to me, I wish they explored her relationship with Mariabell more and her turn-coating on them. Shizuku and KeA must be protected at all costs, they're too precious. However, while there are a lot of characters I love, there are probably two that are complete misses in my book. Wald and Shirley. Wald just makes no sense to me, he wants to be strong enough to beat Wazy, sure I see why he became a monster because Wazy has been holding back this entire time. I just don't understand why he attacks his gang members and just randomly trauma dumps on us? Maybe I'm biased because my favourite character in the game is Wazy but idk, I just don't get him. I don't know about others but Shirley sexually and physically assaulting everyone was just a huge red flag, do people actually like her? Now, I want to talk about Wazy. It was interesting that he joined the SSS. Being a member of the Gralsritter was definitely a surprise, but now that I think about it, his gang was literally called 'The Testaments,' clearly I'm blind to the obvious. I love hiw witty banter with Randy and Lloyd. Doesn't help that he was a beast in combat for me. Overall, loved the characters in this game.

Gameplay wise, I love the inclusion of Master Quartz, made building people even better. I was finally able to make Wazy the ATS Nuke that he was always meant to be. Other than combo crafts between the new members of the SSS, there really wasn't much of a change. I do want to say however that the fight with the Silver Maiden is probably the most dope thing ever, solely because of the fact that her helmet had it's own HP bar. The fact I had to drag her into a corner with Lloyd's craft and spam arts against her on Nightmare really speaks to her strength.

Music, it's peak. I say this everytime, but it's true. The big standout for me is definitely the Thaumaturgical Sector theme, it's just such a bop. Others are great, but that was probably the one that stood out to me the most.

Final thoughts: Don't let people hyping a game up get to your head, it probably sours your experience if you don't agree. Personally, it's middle of the road for me, but it definitely has a strong case going for it as a fan favourite.

Alas, it has Wazy Hemisphere, so I feel that I'm obligated to give this game 5 stars anyways. Who's kidding, it's a trails game, so it's automatically getting 5 stars.

Um clássico atemporal, enquanto jogava havia duas perspectivas sobre a obra, uma visão onde essa franquia já está consolidada e teve recentemente um revitalização, e a outra visão olhando a obra de forma separada sem consta suas continuações e o peso que elas tiveram, e nas duas perspectivas esse jogo se demonstra excelente, onde o hack n slash não entra apenas como gameplay mas como narrativa, um homem consumido pelo ódio e vingança, onde a sede por poder o consumiu, e ainda que o tenha consumido foi o que fez ele tomar o renome de Deus da Guerra, isso sempre abriu margem para uma continuação desse desenvolvimento perfeito de personagem, ainda que a primeira historia seja extremamente bem fechada, onde passamos por altos e baixo, entendemos motivações e os vilões e eh tudo tão perfeitamente encaixado durante a gameplay, que se esse jogo não tivesse se tornado uma franquia, ainda seria lembrado com tanto apreço, vcs DEVEM jogar God of War

Alright Crash fans, you've officially lost me again. I'm not seeing what others do in this one. I guess the devs really wanted to add more variety, but instead of expanding on Crash's gameplay and levels, we get a bunch of nonsense. Underwater Crash levels? Boring. Jet ski stages? Why. Motorcycle races? Kinda annoying. A bi-plane dogfight??? I can't fuckin' stand it anymore!

There is one big addition to Crash's gameplay. Actually, it's more like five additions. Every time you beat a boss, you get a new powerup. They're a little superfluous, but I did notice that the level design going forward accounted for whatever new powerup you just earned. It's minor things, like occasional chasms that require the super tornado spin to glide across, but they're there. The game also introduces time trial relics for every stage, and I will come clean right now, I couldn't give a shit about these if I tried. The level design in this game feels weaker in general, and I have to wonder if Naughty Dog designed the stages with the expectation that you'd come back for the relic races. For me personally, gaining access to a couple more levels by earning relics isn't nearly as fun as seeking out cryptic hidden exits like in Crash 2.

Presentation's about as good as the last game. Being taunted by your enemies before stages begin is a really nice touch. Cortex sounds so dejected for most of this game, it's genuinely kind of hilarious, and a bit sad. They take full advantage of the time warp theming with the enemy and area designs too. Shoutouts to the water during the jet ski stages. I honestly have no idea how the geniuses at Naughty Dog got the water looking that good. MARIO WiiU would be proud.

Yeah I got nothing else. Cortex and his gang can keep their gems. I've had enough, personally.

É, essa foi a confirmação para mim que os criadores de The Evil Within sabem criar ótimos jogos e com certeza ótimas DLCS, fiquei maravilhado jogando essa DLC, que segue os acontecimentos da primeira, dando continuidade a história de Kidman a parceira de Sebastian que até então era misteriosa, mas agora nos foi esclarecido a história e o porque de suas ações. Me diverti muito do inicio ao fim, tomei alguns sustos, apreciei novamente os gráficos e a história, com certeza vale a experiência!

É um dos games q mais joguei no PS2 ( só perdendo pro GTA San Andreas ), decidi voltar só pra jogar o modo história, ent escolhi a versão de GC q é a msm coisa q a de PS2.
Essa versão de console pode ser mais simples comparado com a de pc mas ainda assim eu me divertia mt na infância, acho q pode lançar quantos Sims quiserem q não irá superar o segundo jogo. Dei nota 4 mais pelo modo livre ( e pela nostalgia tbm ) pq o modo história n me agradou tanto o quanto eu esperava.

>> Prós
• MODO LIVRE : Esse é o ponto positivo principal, imagino q praticamente todos os jogadores de The Sims só joguem pra construir sua própria casa.
• DIVERTIDO : Já passei mt tempo fazendo diversos tipos de casas e personagens.
• MULTIPLAYER : É um The Sims q da pra jogar coop e ainda de quebra com a tela separada, nesse requisito n tem do q reclamar.
• JOGABILIDADE : Controlar os personagens com o joystick sem ser com o esquema de click é ótimo demais.
• MÚSICA TEMA : Ouvir a música do menu me trás ótimas lembranças.

>> Contras
• CATÁLOGO : No passado nunca me importei pq eu sempre curtia os itens do catálogo, mas olhando agr realmente é bem escasso de variedades.
• MODO HISTÓRIA : É até boa a idéia de avançar pelos mapas enquanto realiza certas ações com seu próprio personagem e os demais moradores mas acaba sendo bem maçante dps de um tempo.

>> Perso Favorito = Aliens.

>> Locais
• HMS AMORE = 2.5/5
• BIO DOME = 2.5/5

NOTA: 8,0

Another Crab's Treasure é um carismático game com propriedades de plataforma e combate souls like, com áreas exploraveis bem extensas devido ao uso do gancho e um belo level design quando se trata da criatividade de usar os elementos do cenário como progressão e plataforma.

Levantando várias críticas sociais de maneira hora humorística hora emocional, a tradução em PT-BR deixa as interações com os personagens muito engraçadas, com trocadilhos muito bons, além das ótimas referências que o game tem( sands between me quebrou muito, vindo do lands between de Elden Ring e o visual do Solaire de Dark Souls também kkkkk).

De início, a história parecia bem objetiva e simples, quanto às mecânicas de combate, ganhariam variedade, porém, indo mais adiante, esses papéis se invertem, a história toma um rumo tanto quanto curioso, cruel e profundo, já o combate embora demonstre variedade nas conchas, adaptações e habilidades, acaba que a extensão dos mapas torna o game repetitivo e massivo, fora que pouco a pouco meio que foge um pouco da proposta soulslike, seja devido à IA dos inimigos meio passiva ou se não ao grande número de amuletos e builds de quebrar posturas mesmo de chefes ou até a aglomeração de inimigos no design dos mapas.

Ainda sobre os mapas, acho que a extensão para a história é interessante, mas para a jogabilidade, acaba que vira um ônus (aquelas áreas com as lagostas que atiram laser meu deus) além de tornar o game meio repetitivo, falta intuição para eles, mesmo com a bussola, acabou que eu não tive tanta vontade de explorar os mapas finais, tanto pelo motivo acima quanto pela falta de necessidade, sei que o game buscou não tornar a experiência linear, mas acho que foram muito além em relação à outros souls.

De resto, enfrentei problemas menores como alguns bugs hora eu hora os inimigos sairem voando, algumas travadas devido à loadings dos mapas e achei o game no quesito plataforma muito superficial também em exceção da última área, talvez o game pudesse aproveitar suas áreas para gerar upgrades de stamina e estimular mais backtracking para tornar trechos de plataforma mais intrigantes.

Concluindo, Another Crab's Treasure é uma experiência muito divertida e carismática, porém se perde no seu próprio foco, acabando não criando tantos confrontos marcantes, porém sim uma história com moral e ideias intrigantes, ainda sim, recomendo pelo gamepass. Bom trabalho Krill!

The powers are really imaginative and unique. Most games have you use fire, water, earth, air, lighting and ice. This game, your powers are smoke, neon, video and concrete. I really like that it's something different for a change.

The differences between a good and evil playthrough is cool. Story is different, as it should be, but more importantly the powers and playstyles are different. The good powers are more passive because you're trying to subdue the enemies. The evil powers allow for a more fast and aggressive playstyle. I found the evil playthrough more fun to play, but I like the good side's story more.

Speaking of story, I like the concept and not so much the actual plot. It has an X-Men vibe which I dig especially considering I just finished watching the X-Men '97 show (which is amazing). The plot itself leaves a lot to be desired. There's no real build-up to anything that happens. Events just transpire. It doesn't really bother me because the powers at your disposal are fun and the game isn't long by any means. 10 hours is just right for a game like this. Voice acting is good but that's too be expected from Troy Baker and Travis Willingham. My favorite moments were when they were bantering with each other.

My biggest gripe is the lighting. It's so realistic to the point where on multiple occasions, I couldn't see shit. When it was evening or night, all I could see is darkness. That really peeved me but what peeved me more is how often it occurred.

I've had this game on my backlog for a very long time, dreading to actually play it. At the same time, the longer I leave it the longer I don't get to experience the rest of the Castlevania franchise - yes I am that person that needs to play every mainline title in a series in order - so quite frankly if I never did play it, Simon's Quest would have successfully gatekept me from this iconic Konami franchise.

I've picked this game up in the past and dropped it after endless headaches, and getting stuck and unlimited frustration. This time I just swallowed my pride and said fuck it. I played using a guide and some savestates to beat this shit in about 2 hours and finally get it over and done with.
I can gladly say that I am so happy I just swallowed the pill and finally finished it because I am never playing this piece of shit again. I am so happy I can move onto Castlevania III and IV.

If you lived on the internet during the 2000s, I don't think I need to explain what is so bad about this game. But to give you my version of it; what I loved about the original Castlevania, while it was hard as balls, it was a game you could just pick up, play though some levels and beat the game in about 2 hours if you're good enough. You don't need any guides, there's no bullishit. You walk to the right, whip skeletons and bats, beat the boss at the end - next level and you're done. Anyone can pick it up.
Somehow Konami said "Nah that was shit - let's just change the formula for the sequel" and made a cryptic open world with annoying sections where you're prone to get stuck, the worst mechanics introduced in a video game and boring/cheap copy paste bullshot level design with extended padding and some annoying JRPG grinding. If you don't play this with a guide for the first time, you are a masochist.

I am so happy that this game is no longer a looming pain in my backlog and I can finally get to the good Castlevania shit. Thank you video game guides and emulators for making this a little more bearable.

Joguei sonic mania diversas vezes desde seu lançamento em 2017 e tenho uma apreciação grande pelo seu carinho a entidade SONIC ele cutuca até os pedaços ignorados da franquia, tudo soa como uma historia muito honesta de um amor muito forte por um pedaço importante da vida dos desenvolvedores e ter a chance de botar um tijolo na historia da coisa que te inspirou a ser quem você é, deve ser algo louco.